--On Thursday, June 4, 2020 09:42 +1200 Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpenter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I don't know for Australia, but anyone who'd like to visit me > or Jay at home will need to spend two weeks in a quarantine > hotel on arrival for the foreseeable future. And I can't > foresee when that will change, because I can't foresee when a > vaccine will become widely available. Neither can I foresee > what the IETF will decide to do strategically about the > frequency etc. of future face to face meetings. So I don't see > what else the LLC could do other than what they have done, > short of wringing their hands and doing nothing. And --with great confidence that they don't need to be told this -- the effect of wringing their hands and doing nothing would almost inevitably be more decisions made on an emergency basis with claims of extraordinary authority and no time (or need) to consult the community. I recognize the need to do that if we are truly surprised by something that could not possibly be anticipated (like the need to call off IETF 107, but I can't imagine anyone's thinking that setting ourselves up for more of the same would be good for the IETF. So, no handwringing and doing nothing, thank you. john