Hiya, I re-read [3] and it is much improved, thanks. I do have a few remaining comments: - The word "privacy" doesn't appear. That needs to be fixed, to provide the proper balance vs. things like: "Sufficient high-quality data on participants their activities, motivations, expectations, etc to support an evidence-led culture." I'd say the way to do that is to make a generic statement that the LLC aims to honor the privacy expectations of the IETF community - those vary a lot but we are and should be a picky crowd when it comes to this topic. (Sorry for not noticing this in my earlier review.) - I can't see how all the stuff about "participant journey" isn't either waffle or over-reach, e.g. if "Fully documented participant journey" meant that the someone thinks IETFers are going to only follow paths set-out in such a document, that's silly and over-reach. If it doesn't mean that then what's it for? I suggest removing the term and replacing each occurrence with whatever is really meant in each case (or with nothing). (And then re-reviewing.) - Saying "LLC strategy closely aligned with the strategic objectives of IESG, IRSG and IAB" still indicates a fundamental misunderstanding IMO. Those bodies cannot, collectively, have an agreed set of such "strategic objectives" at any given moment in the sense meant here. ISTM that baking that error into the LLC's strategy is likely to lead to over-reach as the LLC "extrapolates" from something that can never exist. I'd suggest just deleting the offending statements would be best. Cheers, S. On 03/06/2020 04:04, IETFExecutive Director wrote: > The IETF Administration LLC began a consultation on its Draft > Strategic Plan 2020 [1] on 4 May 2020 and in response to the issues > raised so far [2], has developed a revised draft [3] with some > substantial changes. Consultation on this revised draft will > continue until Monday 15 June 2020 and may be extended longer if > required. > > The strategic plan is made up of the following elements, all of which > are being presented for comment: > > 1. Linkages. The organisations and communities that the IETF LLC is > linked to and how that linkage is the top-level driver of the IETF > LLC strategy. 2. Mission. This is a literal definition of what the > IETF LLC does. The mission rarely changes in the lifetime of the > company. 3. Values. These define how the company behaves as it > follows its mission. These may change over time to reflect broader > social changes. 4. Strategic Goals. The highest priority goals of > the IETF LLC. These may be short-, medium- or long-term goals or a > mix. These are the big picture of what the IETF LLC is aiming to do > in the next 3-5 years and so are the key setting that the board > expects the company to follow. 5. Strategic Transformations. These > detail the changes that need to be made in order to achieve the > strategic goals. Each transformation details the current state and > the desired state to transform into. These transformations should be > achievable within 1-3 years. > > If you have any comments or questions then you can submit those by > any of the following methods: > > * Raising an issue on the Github repository * Direct to me at > exec-director@xxxxxxxx * Direct to the IETF LLC Board (not including > me) at llc-board-only@xxxxxxxx * To the ietf@xxxxxxxx list > > Please rememeber to comment on the revised draft [3] not the > original. > > [1] > https://github.com/ietf-llc/strategy-2020-consultation/blob/master/DRAFT%20Strategic%20Plan%202020.md > > [2] https://github.com/ietf-llc/strategy-2020-consultation/issues > [3] > https://github.com/ietf-llc/strategy-2020-consultation/blob/latest-updates-from-consultation/DRAFT%20Strategic%20Plan%202020.md >
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