On Mon, 27 Apr 2020 at 15:25, Michael Thomas <mike@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 4/27/20 1:32 AM, Dave Cridland wrote:
On Sat, 25 Apr 2020 at 16:26, Michael Thomas <mike@xxxxxxxx> wrote:Do the unwashed masses use anything that supports inter-provider like
xmpp or sip for texting? As far as I can tell that ship sailed ages ago
with facebook, whatsapp and all of the rest.
Well, WhatsApp, Zoom, and various others are either XMPP or a bastard child of it, but no, few of them choose to enable any kind of inter-provider (ie, federation). But that's not a technical limitation, it's a business one.
Yeah, I just noticed that Zoom claims to use SIP poking around. The question is not whether it's SIP per se, but whether there will be inter-carrier anything. If there is inter-carrier, then the problem will remain, especially when it traverses an intermediary proxy.
Zoom interoperate with SIP, I think. But they used to interop via XMPP as well, and I believe they use XMPP internally. They stopped external interop with XMPP when Google and Facebook ceased to use it, I think.