Working assumption: When the self annointed intelligentsia about to make all
these unrequested experiments with Internet can achieve the real world
performance of a dog food company, they will have made "progress".
Working assumption: Technology doesn't automatically trump *everything*.
It is true that there are a lot of clueless people at WSIS. There are also quite a few very well-informed people whose only concern is maximizing corporate profits. There are even a few people (c.f. trying to stand up for things like universal access and against increased censorship and monitoring.
While I agree that it is unlikely in the extreme that anything said or done in Geneva this week will affect the functioning of the Internet at the level where the IETF usually operates, that does not mean the conference is irrelevant. International norms and laws on many topics of vital concern to the Internet community -- including all the issues of intellectual property issues, security, privacy, spam, etc. -- will not be set overnight, but WSIS and its follow-ons may well serve as the venue for many of these discussions. It's very easy to make fun of a bunch of UN bureaucrats trying to "control" the Internet, but it's naive to think that's all that's going on here. -- Nathaniel