On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, Spencer Dawkins wrote: > > and just what was it that the ietf needed education about? > > At each IETF for as long as I've been going, we do a newcomer's > orientation on Sunday afternoon. Right. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. > > I'm not sure when we started doing it, but we've been doing a security > tutorial on Sunday afternoon for a good number of IETFs.. > Just to make sure of maximum access to machines on the temporary ops.ietf.org network;) Make sure to use telnet and pop3 so cleartext passwords are passed over the network, etc? Sorry, I've spent too much time reading BOFH archives. > At each IETF for as long as I've been a working group chair, we do a > new WG chair/BoF chair training session on Monday. In the past, this > has been by-invitation-only, so you had to already be a WG chair or > BoF chair to be present. We are opening this up to the community, so > it's a little like parachute training that takes place _after_ you > leave the plane. > Ahhh. I remember that. I think I might have helped originate that policy in Atlanta last year when I accidentally attended that meeting after spying "lunch" on the agenda. > We've recently started doing topical workshops for working group > chairs. Topics have included bringiing people up to speed on IPR > clarifications and dealing with IPR in working groups. > > Does this help? > Sure does. Thanks Spencer, and its nice to meet you. Scott > Spencer > > > sleekfreak pirate broadcast world tour 2002-3 live from the pirate hideout http://sleekfreak.ath.cx:81/