> and just what was it that the ietf needed education about? At each IETF for as long as I've been going, we do a newcomer's orientation on Sunday afternoon. I'm not sure when we started doing it, but we've been doing a security tutorial on Sunday afternoon for a good number of IETFs.. At each IETF for as long as I've been a working group chair, we do a new WG chair/BoF chair training session on Monday. In the past, this has been by-invitation-only, so you had to already be a WG chair or BoF chair to be present. We are opening this up to the community, so it's a little like parachute training that takes place _after_ you leave the plane. We've recently started doing topical workshops for working group chairs. Topics have included bringiing people up to speed on IPR clarifications and dealing with IPR in working groups. Does this help? Spencer