Dean Anderson wrote:
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 wrote:No. On once case your get a "no such host" error and never send the email in the first place
On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 16:00:47 EDT, Dean Anderson <> said:
It never sends the email in either case. In the first case, it will say noSo if a domain gets shelved by accident, as happened to one NANOG poster
such host, and return an error to the user. In the second case, it will
attempt to connect to and will get an error, which will be
returned to the MUA.
this weekend, all their mail gets sucked up and handed a 5xx error by the
Verisign server and bounced, rather than getting hit with a 4xx and retried
for a few days.
As was pointed out, some servers will give up right away. In either case, the user should get a bounce, and can follow the instructions as to whether the delivery will be retried or not.
and the other case gets a bounce. Not the same thing.
I manage a site that sends mortgage documents. It NEEDS to be sure that the destination
is valid before sending confidential information. So the first time a new e-mail address
is allowed to send the very sensitive information to a new email address it looks up the
host and submits the initial message itself. So unless I want to parse every possible
error text the bogus verisign SMTP server may say, I had to hack the code so that it knows
that the IP address provided by Verisign means no such host and never sends the confidential
information to a site that may be using the information in a way that is in conflict with the
senders confidentially requirements.
Same with health / HIPPA issues. Saying I'll take your email and bounce it back is not
the same as saying "hey bozo, you are trying to send to a bogus host name".
The email may be encrypted, however that is not sufficient for some usage's.
Doug Royer | -------------------------------|----------------------------- | Office: (208)612-INET | Fax: (866)594-8574
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