-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Asrg] 7. Best Practices - Service Providers & MTA Authors (was: Fwd: Verisign's New Change and Outdate RBL's)
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 11:43:03 +0200
From: Brad Knowles <brad.knowles@skynet.be>
To: IRTF ASRG <asrg@ietf.org>
Just saw this on NANOG as well. Looks like outdated anti-spam configurations will now be turned into "reject everything" servers, courtesy of Verisign/NetSOL.
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 00:39:14 -0400 From: Patrick Muldoon <doon@inoc.net> To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Verisign's New Change and Outdate RBL's
Was playing with a test box here at home. Installed SpamAssassian from a newely cvsup'd ports tree on a FreeBSD box, and was surprised to see messages getting marked as received in blacklists that no longer exist. Most noteably ORBS. Since this was a fresh Install I hadn't gone through and removed the dead RBL's from 20_head_tests.cf yet. Since dorkslayers doesn't exist. any queries for it are returning that infamous sitefinder address.
[doon@fawkes doon]$ host has address
So anybody that hasn't update their SpamAssassian config, now has the added benefit of all ip's being tagged as an open relay.
Just an FYI -Patrick