while the spam discussion has been entertaining as usual, for those who
like watching namecalling, pointed invective and misunderstandings, I must
remind the participants of 2 things:
- There is a proper forum for discussing anti-spam proposals. It is the
mailing list of the IRTF antispam research group, asrg@ietf.org.
This proposal fits within their taxonomy of antispam solutions
<http://www.irtf.org/asrg/survey_of_proposals.htm>, and the discussion is
therefore appropriate to that forum. Consult the ASRG charter and web pages
for guidelines for appropriate discussion.
- The charter of the IETF discussion list says that "unprofessional
commentary" is inappropriate for the list. While it can certainly be
entertaining to watch people try to define each other as kooks of various
kinds, it is also definitely unprofessional commentary.
So is drawing conclusions in public about other people's intelligence,
education and previous epxerience.
Summary: Please move over, folks - wrong arena!
Harald Alvestrand