>I've tried to improve that one Vernon, <rant> What are you "improving"? Oxymoron. Would it be any thing related to Internet Engineering (as in IETF)? Is this really appropriate posting for someone who apparently runs the DCC, which is apparently supposed to a professional service that millions of clients rely on? Is this the kind of stuff you do and think about all day? What about actually doing some real work on Internet Engineering? Is this the kind of posting you want publicly distributed when later someone Googles or otherwise investigates what are the thought processes and professionalism of the people engineering the foundations of the internet. Frankly, I will be linking back to this thread if any one ever asks me why spam can be solved at the internet engineering level. I sense you feel that some people who have ideas do not know enough about what they are posting, but you might be surprised what people actually know. I've searched your posts all over the web via Google groups and you have a history of being obstinate, condescending, and impolite. You are also much less of an expert than you portend to be relatively speaking... </rant> Shelby Moore http://AntiViotic.com