This is getting way off topic. >One of the other things you see to be handwaving a bit about is >the notion of handing out user IDs, passwords, and other >credentials to mail accounts to people so they can "help" with >spam (or other problems). My proposal has nothing to do with IDs so let's just drop that line of discussion or respond with a different subject to move it to a different thread. > Sure, I can find a web-based >something-or-other to access my POP3 mailbox (if I had one). Agreed. >the web site listed in your >signature line seems to mostly run people around in circles My web site and businesses have nothing to do with this proposal. The proposal is to define that *legitimate* bulk email must be sent and received by "pull" instead of by "push". So that all remaining bulk email is spam. This changes spam from "Spam == UBE" (an ambiguous definition for enforcers) to "Spam == *BE" (UNambiguous definition for enforcers). How *BE gets dealt with by enforcers is not related to my businesses or web site. Enforcers is a widespread term meaning any one who will enforce the proposed RFC against spam. FYI: (completely off topic so please don't respond to list on this point) The reason the web site runs in circles is it isn't finished yet, nor ready to be released to public at large yet. It should be completed in a few more days. Shelby Moore http://AntiViotic