I try to work from the theory that neither of the parties involved in this conflict are technically incompetent or deliberately malicious.
Assigning "blame" to one party, and appearing to declare their actions to have no possible rational explanation, is not compatible with this theory.
(Note that one party's actions being *wrong* when viewed in hindsight is *not* incompatible with the theory!)
--On søndag, juli 06, 2003 22:58:06 +0200 Dave Crocker <dcrocker@brandenburg.com> wrote:
SWB> This is wayyy too abstract and theoretical.
Unfortunately, it was intentional.
I was sufficiently surprised that anyone would blame the working group for failing to overcome inappropriate barriers, imposed by management that I fell into academic mode, to try to moderate the reaction.
So, try just the end of my note:
Blame the folks doing the imposing.
Or, to state this more constructively, do not focus on the people who become discouraged by external forces that are... discouraging.
Focus in getting those forces turned into something constructive.
d/ -- Dave Crocker <mailto:dcrocker@brandenburg.com> Brandenburg InternetWorking <http://www.brandenburg.com> Sunnyvale, CA USA <tel:+1.408.246.8253>, <fax:+1.866.358.5301>
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