On Tuesday, June 17, 2003, at 12:17 PM, Bob Braden wrote:
*> Create a document-based thread rather than a WG-based or
*> mailing-list-based thread. Patches could also be posted and revision
*> history (changes between revisions) would be easier to keep track of.
*> People who have negative comments could post them, and they'd be part
*> of the history record of the draft even if their comments are
*> ignored/rejected.
*> simon
I really wonder whether people have thought through the can of worms (Pandora's box) that you people may be opening...? This is not to deny the need to improve the quality of some I-Ds and RFCs, goodness knows, but be careful of social consequences...
I've observed several bug-database oriented cultures, including the public mozilla bugzilla database. One interesting observation of bugzilla is that they do not permit referral from slashdot ... most obviously that would be to avoid the /. effect, but also, to avoid the kind of spamming effect that could occur if some influential person says "this thing at url XYZ is evil, go post a negative comment on it".
There is no reason otherwise, that the bugtracker would engender a reduced quality of discourse about an I-D. Since, the technical level of sophistication to read and understand an I-D would still be there, and the sophistication to post a message on a website is just as high as posting on a mailing list (and see the bugzilla page, they do make it difficult enough). Whereas, it would greatly help the situation where I read an I-D and think -- but wait, what about foo, they seem to have missed that -- and jump to the bugtracker and can easily find that the issue has already been raised and see if/what justifications are.