> Which one? According to Al Arsenault: > a number of the entities behind those trusted roots go out of business, or become somebody else, or... A quick quiz, > based on the root certs from IEv6 (yes, I know the answer to these questions, but I've been working in the PKI area > for over 15 years - how about most people): > > - who owns the private keys associated with those 3 "GTE Cyber Trust" root certificates? > - what is that company doing that will conclude by June 30? > - what about the private keys associated with those four "Equifax Secure" root certificates? > - there are at least 10 trusted root certificates marked signed by "DST". What happened to DST? > - there are six certificates marked as being from "Thawte". Who's "Thawte"? > - what about Xcert?