On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, Anthony Atkielski wrote: > Paul writes: > > > i want the digital equivilent of a peephole > > in my front door so i can ignore the doorbell > > if i don't like what i see. > > One of the big problems of spam is that it takes up more than half the total > bandwidth used by e-mail. Which is still practically nothing, compared to the bandwidth consumed by http (gifs and jpegs), IM (and its picture sharing), (legal) movie and MP3 downloads, and other stuff. Also, you mentioned something about porn to children. This is already illegal. If its a Type 1 or Type 2 operation, they are easy to shutdown. Unfortunately, quite a lot of this type of spam is Type 3 spam, just meant to shock and annoy, and not meant to really sell porn. > Probably because, in the final analysis, spam is an annoyance, but that's > about all. Like postal junk mail. Agreed. --Dean