[I sent this yesterday but the message appears to have gotten lost. Sorry for the duplicate if both of them eventually show up.] I've setup a temporary mailing list to handle discussion of an alternate mail transfer system, which I expect will get replaced by a real list eventually, assuming that interest continues to progress. To subscribe to that list, send an email message to mt2-subscribe@ehsco.com I've also put together a basic outline proposal that shows what I'd like to see in such a service. http://www.ehsco.com/misc/mt2/ has that proposal (if it doesn't display right, you can download the original powerpoint slides from http://www.ehsco.com/misc/mt2/MT2-00.ppt). I know that Keith was scratching some ideas together for reusing SMTP and I'll post that if he wants. Anybody that has any other proposals, let me know and I'll post those too. We can discuss any or all of those on the mailing list. We should probably move out of here anyway, before we get evicted. Thanks -- Eric A. Hall http://www.ehsco.com/ Internet Core Protocols http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/coreprot/