Should this list be open to ANYbody (any curious/interested netizen), or limited to proven... well... specialists? experts? I think this IETF discussion list is like a combination of the IEEE and the ISOC : the IEEE is limited to certified engineers, while the ISOC is open to all netizens. Which one is the best approach? I don't think the answer can be found in the following statements, extracted from IETF's web site : --------- The IETF discussion list serves two purposes. It furthers the development and specification of Internet technology through discussion of technical issues. It also hosts discussions of IETF direction, policy, and procedures. As this is the most general IETF mailing list, considerable latitude is allowed. Advertising, whether to solicit business or promote employment opportunities, falls well outside the range of acceptable topics, as do discussions of a personal nature. This list is meant for initial discussion only. Discussions that fall within the area of any working group or well established list should be moved to such more specific forum as soon as this is pointed out, unless the issue is one for which the working group needs wider input or direction. In addition to the topics noted above, appropriate postings include: * Last Call discussions of proposed protocol actions * Discussion of technical issues that are candidates for IETF work, but do not yet have an appropriate e-mail venue * Discussion of IETF administrative policies * Questions and clarifications concerning IETF meetings. Inappropriate postings include: * Unsolicited bulk e-mail * Discussion of subjects unrelated to IETF policy, meetings, activities, or technical concerns * Unprofessional commentary, regardless of the general subject. The IETF Chair, the IETF Executive Director, or a sergeant-at-arms appointed by the Chair is empowered to restrict posting by a person or of a thread as they deem appropriate to limit abuse. Complaints regarding their decisions should be referred to the IAB. NOTE: The IETF list is performing spam control according to the guidelines given in the IESG guidelines on spam control.. A list of active spam prevention policies can be found here. If you have problems posting to the list, contact the IETF Mail Administrator. --------- By example, the more messages from A*** A*** I read, the more I think he is making statements of his own, without verification, without proof, without experience... Maybe this is due to a low technical knowledge? Or to a lack of valuable, proven information? (No offense. Just wondering...) Also remember J*** F*** and all his IPv8, IPv16,... stuff! Do such people just troll "for the pleasure", or are they convinced of what they state? I find it amusing that we discuss about SPAM, while we are victims of a kind of spamming! We are not even able to properly filter this list, and we think about preventing SPAM worlwide! Back to my first question. I don't say I know the answer. I don't say I have a solution. I'm just thinking, and sharing my thoughts with you all. Anyway, it must be difficult to be this list's moderator! :-/