- Chris
begin quotation by Sabahattin Gucukoglu on 2003/4/19 0:55 +0100:
On 18 Apr 2003 at 13:00, Alexey Melnikov pronounced thusly:
> Hi all, > > I at some point in the (near, hopefully) future wish to submit an > internet draft - STRN, ESMTP extension for secure client-server role > exchange
On a slightly different topic touched by your email: check ATRN (authenticated TURN) extention before you decide to right STRN. I can try to find the RFC number for it if you are interested.
If by some miraculous chance you should prove luckier than I. :-( So far M$ are the only folks I've seen implement ATRN, whatever the blasted thing is. I only came across it accidentally when my server communicated with an Exchange server and it was listed in their ESMTP capabilities, and I have not found an I-D or RFC.
Now may be a good time anyway to explain my ideas in brief... STRN does in fact appear to have significant likeness to this ATRN, with the idea being that STRN should provide a mechanism for specification of authentication method by which a change of role can occur, after which the authentication procedure is begun, independantly of, but not unlike, any other form of ESMTP authentication used for mail delivery (RFC3554). Secure doesn't represent confidentiality in this context, it is simply meant as a more solidly foolproof turn without disadvantages commonly presented by ETRN. It may therefore end up as an updating RFC rather than a complete specification.
Yes, if you do find the RFC please let me know where it is.
Cheers, Alexey Melnikov
Cheers, Sabahattin
- --
Thought for the day: Concerto (n): a fight between a piano and a pianist.
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