> From: John Morris <jmorris@cdt.org> > ... But it is also true that the formatting > requirements for I-Ds are one of many obstacles to "outside" > participation in the IETFprocess. ... I cannot imagine how a reasonable person who subscribes to the IETF announce mailing list or who maintains a private library of RFCs and so has the faintest idea about what the IETF has been producing for the last 10 years would fewer instead of more obstacles to "outside" participation in The IETF Process. Never mind that in ANSI committees I learned to beware of managers, sales people, and other committee go-ers bearing gifts whenever I heard a phrase like "The Standards Process." > Director, Internet Standards, Technology > & Policy Project > Center for Democracy and Technology What does democracy have to do with technical standards or other information in general and the IETF in particular? Vernon Schryver vjs@rhyolite.com