I guess I am missing something here about free markets and free societies. What is wrong with criticism? If it is valid, then the results are deserved, if not, then it will be ignored. The fact is that for many people the home-made router is superior for many reasons: price, control, flexibility, etc. For many others a commercial product is better, performance, support, availability, etc. Successes, unfortunately, not determined solely by product and technological excellence. Like it or not, the color of the box, name and even the logo all affect sales. IBM had complete domination of the computer market for years. Not just because they had superior products, they did not, but because an IT manager could not get into trouble for buying "Blue." Buying IBM meant buying job security. Richard On 3/28/03 8:47 AM, "Michel Py" <michel@arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us> wrote: > What I'm concerned about are these guys and gals that say "Cisco routers > are junk. These guys at Cisco don't know jack about routing, it's > fortunate they bought Linksys so they will get clued engineers from the > acquisition, and my router that I put together with a recycled PC and > two pieces of duct tape is really way superior to Cisco products". Yeah, > right. If Cisco became market leader, it is because of their ability to > design and manufacture products that actually work in enterprises and > not because of questionable business practices.