--On onsdag, mars 26, 2003 17:40:23 -0800 David Conrad <david.conrad@nominum.com> wrote:
On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 05:03 PM, Ted Hardie wrote:If you were using some of an allocated portion as routable addresses and some as unrouted addresses, you might be forced to change the unrouted addresses as a consequences of choosing someone new to carry the traffic from the routed portions of your network. That would carry the same pain of renumbering it always does.
Which, of course, implies NAT ("where's there's pain, there's NAT"? :-)).
the more general aphorism is probably
where there's pain people want painkillers painkillers don't cure the cause of pain painkillers have side effects
not that this helps evaluate the issue (much); my personal take (which is largely irrelevant to this list) is that IPv6 applications will be cheaper and simpler when the code does not have to treat some addresses differently from others; the fewer special cases, the better.
Special cases are pain; in this case, we were able to eliminate one source of this pain.
In my opinion, of course.