Fleming wrote: > Welcome to the InterNAT...where the world is routing around the I* > society... [bunch of irrelevant urls] and then everyone started whinging about it, at which point I started seeing their whinges. Speaking at the guy credited with inventing the term InterNAT [*] I'd like to point out that ietf-censored is doing a fairly good job of routing around Fleming already. (Oh, and that Fleming doesn't know what 'InterNAT' means, either.) Read this list through ietf-censored, and stop whinging. Or put Fleming in your killfile, and stop whinging. The key thing is for you to stop whinging. L. spaking of which, Noel, where's the obIPv6 whinge on how, now that they've deprecated site-local addresses, IPv6 has no redeeming features left? [*] The InterNAT: Policy Implications of the Internet Architecture Debate, by Hans Kruse, William Yurcik and Lawrence Lessig, Proceedings of the Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC '00), Virginia, September 2000. http://www.tprc.org/Agenda00.HTM <http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/L.Wood/><L.Wood@ee.surrey.ac.uk>