In message <>, Randy Bush writes: >due to lightening struck tower, i was unable to be at the atlanta >meeting. i really needed to know what happened in a number of >sessions in which i have critical interest. > >the jabber logs were useless, at best "s/he is talking about X now" >with no idea of what was said, how it was justified, what the >reactions were, ... note that i am a jabber user, run a jabber >server, ... so it is not anti-jabber prejudice. it just seemed >not to work in this particular context for this particular use. >perhaps it kept folk with insufficient email amused during boring >times :-). > It depends on the session and the volunteer scribe. I did it for a while, found it very hard, but very much appreciated the much-better efforts of others in some wgs. --Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)