We would like to announce the:
Noon March 18 - Noon March 20, 2003
The brochure is available from the t1 web site:Noon March 18 - Noon March 20, 2003
You may also go to the NIST the web site for more information, including on-line registration:
This is the 11th year for this Workshop, the 5th annual in collaboration between NIST and T1X1. This NIST Time and Frequency Division is again working with T1X1 personnel and industry experts to put the Workshop together this year. It is a balance between training and exploring new questions in Telecom Sync issues.
The Workshop will be focused and more concise this year, as it was last year, than previous Workshops. We hope to make travel more convenient by going from noon on Tuesday to noon on Thursday, the equivalent of 2 days of lectures.
We will hold the meetings for the workshop at our NIST facilities, though the evening reception will be at the Omni Interlocken Resort in Broomfield, Colorado, about 10 miles SE of NIST in Boulder.
For questions about registration, please contact:
Wendy Ortega <ortegaw@boulder.nist.gov>
For technical questions about the workshop, please contact:
Marc Weiss <mweiss@boulder.nist.gov>
Thank you,
Marc Weiss
Marc A. Weiss, Ph.D.
NIST Time and Frequency Division
MS 847.5, 325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305-3328