Concerning the project: Friday, August 02, 2002, 12:55:24 AM, you wrote: TJH> 1. Abstract TJH> The goal of this Draft is to define a single protocol that TJH> envelops all RFCs of the past, present, and future. TJH> This document describes communication across the Unified TJH> RFC Protocol, preserving ancient protocols, and a framework TJH> for new protocols. First of all I want to observe that RFC is not only specifications of the Telnet-compatible or TCP-based protocols. There are many RFCs describing binary data transfer and other technologies. So, it is absolutely incorrect to name your protocol "Unified RFC Protocol". Better to say "Unified Application Level Protocol". TJH>**** UNIFIED RFC PROTOCOL *** TJH>**** UNIFIED RFC PROTOCOL READY **** TJH>**** UNIFIED RFC PROTOCOL COMMANDS **** TJH>**** UNIFIED RFC PROTOCOL COMMAND HELP **** I suppose it is possible to reduce such lines. TJH> **** UNIFIED RFC PROTOCOL READY ****<cr><lf> TJH> OK Start command valid. Welcome message follows.<cr><lf> TJH> =34<cr><lf> TJH> Welcome to the local web server!<cr><lf> TJH> =4<cr><lf> TJH> We h TJH> 36<cr><lf> TJH> ope that you will enjoy your stay!<cr><lf> So, you can not use "=" in raw data at the line begin? -- Best regards, Timur