>No, but that would be a really lousy way to implement searching for >non-ASCII text in message headers. If I were implementing such Indeed. The reference to searching nicely underscores that this entire thread pertains to local implementation issues, rather than having anything at all to do with the DNS. The DNS does not have searching. And with respect to the comparison with MIME, IDNA lays a specialized character format onto an existing string environment, thereby requiring change only for participants that which to enjoy the new feature. It requires no change to the infrastructure and has no impact on non-participating DNS entities. That is the architectural basis for comparing IDNA to MIME. In other words, folks, this entire thread is caused by misunderstandings of the difference between protocol and implementation. d/ ---------- Dave Crocker <mailto:dave@tribalwise.com> TribalWise, Inc. <http://www.tribalwise.com> tel +1.408.246.8253; fax +1.408.850.1850