First: I'm teaching a graduate networking class that includes DCCP as a new experimental protocol. I want to show students various simple examples. In particular I want to show which data is delivered (or read by the receiving application) for different sizes of receive windows, and with/without loss of DCCP packets. Best I can tell, the RFC doesn't contain examples. Does anyone know if any are available elsewhere? Second: After reading the RFC, it's my understanding that DCCP provides 'in-order, maybe-loss, no duplicate, controlled/partial data integrity' service. (TCP provides 'in-order, no-loss, no duplicate, full data integrity' service.) Am I correct that the data delivered to the receiving application will be in order and never have duplicates, (albeit with some data missing, and possibly some bits in error for those data fields not covered by the checksum)? For example, if a sender sends DCCP packets 1,2,3,4,5,6, the following are valid deliveries to the receiving app: 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,3,4,6 1,6 and the following deliveries may not occur: 2,1,3,4,5,6 1,2,2,2,3,4,5,6 If my understanding is correct, it would help the RFC intro to explicitly discuss that DCCP service provides in-order and no-duplicates (just like TCP). If my understanding is incorrect, it would help the RFC to have an example or two showing how data is delivered to the receiver out-of-order or in duplicate. Thanks, Paul Amer, Professor Univ of Delaware