An updated version of: Faster Restart for TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC), draft-ietf-dccp-tfrc-faster-restart-05.txt, is available at: "" This version (from November 18) includes the following changes: Changes from draft-ietf-dccp-tfrc-faster-restart-04.txt: * Changed "RTO" to "NFT". Changed the targeted idle period to the configurable DelayTime. Feedback from Gerrit Renker. * Removed Section 4.1 on the receive rate, after it is made into an Errata for RFC 4342. Feedback from Gerrit Renker. * General editing from Gorry Fairhurst and Arjuna, and additional reporting on simulations. * Added a section on Interoperability Issues. * Specified CCID 3 and 4 impact in the introduction. Additional simulations are also in progress (by Arjuna), and should be reported on before the next IETF. Feedback would be appreciated. - Sally