I just added some new validation tests showing TFRC performance in ns-2
after idle periods, and comparing it to TCP, after fixing the bug in
that had idle periods kickingTFRC out of slow-start prematurely.
(Now, after idle periods during slow-start, the sender starts with a
sending rate, as it should, but still remains in slow-start.)
The validation tests can be run in tcl/test in ns-2 as follows:
./test-all-friendly idleTfrc
./test-all-friendly idleTcp
./test-all-friendly idleTfrc1
./test-all-friendly idleTcp1
The TCP and TFRC performance after idle periods are now in a similar
ball-park, though in both cases there could be improvement in the
performance after an idle period when the TCP or TFRC sender is not
in slow-start.
- Sally
(On vacation in the French countryside.)