NAT traversal on GNUGK 2.3.2

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Title: Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 56, Issue 6

Thanks Simon

The home= was the last change I made. It was not there most of the time.
The call that I sent the test status from was indeed behind NAT. I also set it up with ALG at the far end so it was not, but it still did not work. It seems that for some reason the GK at my end (this one) is re-sending to itself on its external IP and this is where it all falls apart. Bizarre.

Wireshark traces are in order methinks. I am wondering whether my Watchguard is causing the problem being in bridge between the router and the GK. It should be transparent, but I think it may be rewriting packets.

Outbound calls to remote gatekeepers work fine.  

Inbound calls are giving me the grief.




Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 20:54:50 +1000
From: "Simon Horne" <s.horne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: NAT traversal on GNUGK 2.3.2
To: "'GNU Gatekeeper Users'" <openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <001201cbb0b4$d3d90c50$7b8b24f0$">001201cbb0b4$d3d90c50$7b8b24f0$>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

I would remove
as the behind NAT stuff will detect the local interface (via route tables)
to reach public IPs
and only have

Just to clarify jan was saying you cannot call to a device behind a NAT
unless you have port forwarding or the device in registered and has one of
the NAT methods supported by GnuGk.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Dutton [mailto:Mark.Dutton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 8:32 PM
To: openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: NAT traversal on GNUGK 2.3.2

Thanks Jan

Yes it seemed that it was looping on itself but I can't see why. My config
is included and you can see that it does seem to look right.

Unfortunately, I can't use the NAT aware devices, or have multiple GNUGKs
behind NAT talking to each other as I am trying to build a public border
controller so I can call other people's (predominantly) Polycom gatekeepers
and allow other remote unregistered parties to call my devices.

I will do some Wireshark traces, but I am pretty confident that my NAT
device is not doing anything silly. What might be causing an issue is a
Watchguard firewall which is bridged between the NAT router and my GNUGK. I
have had issues in the past with this box that even when ALG is turned off,
it somehow interferes with traffic and perhaps it is doing some mangling of
the packets on the way through.

I will check and report my findings.


Mark Dutton

Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 11:06:58 +0100
From: Jan Willamowius <jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Openh323gk-users] NAT traversal on GNUGK 2.3.2
To: openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <20110110110658.50021b97@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Mark,

you have created a loop where the gatekeeper sends the incoming Setup
message right back to itself. Its hard to tell why from your short trace
snippets. Your caller also seems to be behind a NAT.

To get NAT traversal working correctly only with port forwarding is the most
difficult path to choose. If all your devices support a NAT traversal
protocol, it would probably be easier. Or you could put a GnuGk inside each
of your private networks and configure it to use it's own NAT traversal
protocol to tunnel calls to the next GnuGk.


Jan Willamowius, jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,

Mark Dutton wrote:
> Hi all
> After two days of bashing my head against a wall, it is suitably sore now
and I have to ask for help.
> I have a GNUGK on a Windows server behind NAT and I can not get it to
receive calls. Details are as follows.
> Router port forwarding TCP 1720, TCP 21000-21199 and UDP 21200-21399. All
ALG functionity is disabled. Router is a Mikrotik RB-750G.
> External IP is and internal subnet is GK
is on and router is at
> I am not taking registrations from outside, hence no port forwarding of
1719. I have a Polycom VVX1500 registered internally and I will eventually
have an HDX internally as well.
> I want to allow any external party to call one of my internal devices.
> The VVX1500 is registered as extension 1001
> Following is my config, which is quite basic and the log from a failed
call. It appears that the initial received request shows that the call
source is natt'd (it is in this case) and does a rewrite of the source IP
> The strange thing is the gk then sends this request to its own external IP
address. The router does loopback, but we end up with a packet coming in
appearing to be from the private IP of the router. The GK then tries to
rewrite this header and it falls apart.
> I am not sure if the GK is meant to be re-entrant like this. Is it meant
to fix up the source and the resend the packet? If this was true, the packet
it sends itself is not fixed anyway. It still contains the original source
IP address.
> I am totally confused and at wit's end.
> Hope someone can help.
> Regards
> Mark Dutton
> == CONFIG ==
> [Gatekeeper::Main]
> FortyTwo=42
> Name=GnuGk
> TimeToLive=600
> ; change this to 1 or 2, if you want CDRs and RAS messages to be
> printed on the status port
> StatusTraceLevel=0
> Home=
> ExternalIP=
> [LogFile]
> Rotate=Daily
> RotateTime=23:00
> Filename=C:\\program\ files\\gnugk\\GnuGk.log
> ; restrict access to the status port by an IP address
> [GkStatus::Auth]
> rule=regex|explicit
> ; add more entries, if you access the status port from other hosts
> regex=^192\.168\.
> default=forbid
> Shutdown=allow
> [RoutedMode]
> ; enable gatekeeper signaling routed mode, route H.245 channel only if
> neccessary (for NATed endpoints)
> GKRouted=1
> H245Routed=0
> CallSignalPort=1720
> RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=1
> AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1
> DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1
> SupportNATedEndpoints=1
> Q931PortRange=21000-21099
> H245PortRange=21100-21199
> ;SupportCallingNATedEndpoints=1
> TreatUnregisteredNAT=1
> ; proxy calls only for NATed endpoints
> [Proxy]
> Enable=1
> T120PortRange=21200-21299
> RTPPortRange=21300-21399
> ; if port forwarding is correctly configured for each endpoint, you
> can disable ProxyForNAT
> ;ProxyForNAT=1
> ;ProxyForSameNAT=0
> InternalNetwork=
> ProxyAlways=1
> [RoutingPolicy]
> default=explicit,internal,srv,dns
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.576 4     yasocket.cxx(920) TCPSrv Accept request on
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.638 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(1021) Q931s Received: Setup
> CRV=10180 from
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.638 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(964) Q931 Received: {
>   q931pdu = {
>     protocolDiscriminator = 8
>     callReference = 10180
>     from = originator
>     messageType = Setup
>     IE: Bearer-Capability = {
>       88 18 86 a5                                        ....
>     }
>     IE: Display = {
>       6d 64                                              md
>     }
>     IE: Called-Party-Number = {
>       a1 31 30 30 31                                     .1001
>     }
>     IE: User-User = {
>       60 a8 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 02 40 01 00 6d 00 64
>       01 80 7a cb 22 c0 b5 00  23 31 0f 50 6f 6c 79 63   ..z."...#1.Polyc
>       6f 6d 20 56 69 61 56 69  64 65 6f 17 52 65 6c 65   om ViaVideo.Rele
>       61 73 65 20 38 2e 30 3a  20 38 2e 30 2e 31 36 2e   ase 8.0: 8.0.16.
>       30 30 30 33 00 cb a1 45  f2 06 b8 00 02 32 b3 8d   0003...E.....2..
>       cd 00 00 10 08 42 79 be  1f 6c 35 cb 00 cd cd 98   .....By..l5.....
>       00 07 00 c0 a8 2d 02 0c  9e 11 00 02 32 b3 8d cd   .....-......2...
>       00 00 10 08 41 79 be 1f  6c 35 cb 02 01 20 81 af   ....Ay..l5... ..
>       03 00 00 07 00 08 81 6b  00 03 18 10 00 07 00 08   .......k........
>       81 6b 00 03 28 00 02 00  75 35 60 03 5a f9 d9 df   .k..(...u5`.Z...
>       12 66 f8 b4 8d 3d 09 19  c8 64 ec aa 18 63 b9 bf   .f...=...d...c..
>       fe c6 d9 1d 50 8b 13 50  1b e0 b6 2d c7 ee cd fe   ....P..P...-....
>       0b 13 f2 bd a7 d2 8a f0  e4 06 75 c1 c7 1a 09 36   ..........u....6
>       7c ac 2e be 13 e9 96 71  02 00 91 cf d2 25 aa 91   |......q.....%..
>       4c cd 35 21 95 91 4c e5  8d 20 18 a1 61 0a ad cd   L.5!..L.. ..a...
>       41 40 a9 51 29 33 be db  10 60 14 69 91 e6 1c 1f
>       4d 5d 25 8e 58 13 60 50  24 88 45 3d fb b1 19 73   M]%.X.`P$.E=...s
>       51 89 2c a5 4a e9 9d ae  71 d7 00 08 03 10 00 07   Q.,.J...q.......
>       00 08 81 6b 00 03 2b 00  04 00 f2 26 19 64 b2 50   ...k..+....&.d.P
>       7d 92 0f 73 13 e7 74 b7  1e e5 a8 80 83 f6 a7 ba   }..s..t.........
>       bd d7 9f 97 5b d3 7f 04  8a 78 eb 08 45 4c 52 87   ....[....x..ELR.
>       48 d2 2c 94 f0 1c e3 7e  77 ec 58 ef bd 93 98 31   H.,....~w.X....1
>       db 75 4d 7a b7 2f 91 c1  11 3e a8 f6 cf bb b7 a2   .uMz./...>......
>       28 a0 46 2b 0c 2d 2e 75  0e 0c 28 60 12 b5 42 dc   (.F+.-.u..(`..B.
>       32 a1 f8 52 97 51 72 2f  55 34 a5 4e 80 84 f5 9f   2..R.Qr/U4.N....
>       24 99 9c fc f2 e2 20 d3  f7 f5 de 6e 55 92 ef 1a   $..... ....nU...
>       a6 f0 69 c2 69 c5 65 75  06 59 04 00 ff ff ff ff
>       ff ff ff ff c9 0f da a2  21 68 c2 34 c4 c6 62 8b   ........!h.4..b.
>       80 dc 1c d1 29 02 4e 08  8a 67 cc 74 02 0b be a6   ....).N..g.t....
>       3b 13 9b 22 51 4a 08 79  8e 34 04 dd ef 95 19 b3   ;.."QJ.y.4......
>       cd 3a 43 1b 30 2b 0a 6d  f2 5f 14 37 4f e1 35 6d   .:C.0+.m._.7O.5m
>       6d 51 c2 45 e4 85 b5 76  62 5e 7e c6 f4 4c 42 e9   mQ.E...vb^~..LB.
>       a6 37 ed 6b 0b ff 5c b6  f4 06 b7 ed ee 38 6b fb   .7.k..\......8k.
>       5a 89 9f a5 ae 9f 24 11  7c 4b 1f e6 49 28 66 51   Z.....$.|K..I(fQ
>       ec e6 53 81 ff ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff 00 08 02 01   ..S.............
>       00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01  00 01 40 10 80 01 00 00   ..........@.....
>       05 0e 53 65 74 75 70 20  2d 20 6d 65 73 73 61 67   ..Setup - messag
>       65                                                 e
>     }
>   }
>   h225pdu = {
>     h323_uu_pdu = {
>       h323_message_body = setup {
>         protocolIdentifier =
>         sourceAddress = 2 entries {
>           [0]=h323_ID  2 characters {
>             006d 0064                                 md
>           }
>           [1]=dialedDigits "4798"
>         }
>         sourceInfo = {
>           vendor = {
>             vendor = {
>               t35CountryCode = 181
>               t35Extension = 0
>               manufacturerCode = 9009
>             }
>             productId =  16 octets {
>               50 6f 6c 79 63 6f 6d 20  56 69 61 56 69 64 65 6f   Polycom
>             }
>             versionId =  24 octets {
>               52 65 6c 65 61 73 65 20  38 2e 30 3a 20 38 2e 30   Release
8.0: 8.0
>               2e 31 36 2e 30 30 30 33                            .16.0003
>             }
>           }
>           terminal = {
>           }
>           mc = false
>           undefinedNode = false
>         }
>         destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>           ip =  4 octets {
>             cb a1 45 f2                                        ..E.
>           }
>           port = 1720
>         }
>         activeMC = false
>         conferenceID =  16 octets {
>           02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10  08 42 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb
>         }
>         conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
>         callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
>         sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>           ip =  4 octets {
>             c0 a8 2d 02                                        ..-.
>           }
>           port = 3230
>         }
>         callIdentifier = {
>           guid =  16 octets {
>             02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10  08 41 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb
>           }
>         }
>         h245SecurityCapability = 1 entries {
>           [0]=noSecurity <<null>>
>         }
>         tokens = 3 entries {
>           [0]={
>             tokenOID =
>           }
>           [1]={
>             tokenOID =
>             dhkey = {
>               halfkey = Hex {
>                 75 35 60 03 5a f9 d9 df  12 66 f8 b4 8d 3d 09 19
>                 c8 64 ec aa 18 63 b9 bf  fe c6 d9 1d 50 8b 13 50
>                 1b e0 b6 2d c7 ee cd fe  0b 13 f2 bd a7 d2 8a f0
>                 e4 06 75 c1 c7 1a 09 36  7c ac 2e be 13 e9 96 71
>               modSize = Hex {
>                 91 cf d2 25 aa 91 4c cd  35 21 95 91 4c e5 8d 20
>                 18 a1 61 0a ad cd 41 40  a9 51 29 33 be db 10 60
>                 14 69 91 e6 1c 1f 4d 5d  25 8e 58 13 60 50 24 88
>                 45 3d fb b1 19 73 51 89  2c a5 4a e9 9d ae 71 d7
>               generator = 00000011
>             }
>           }
>           [2]={
>             tokenOID =
>             dhkey = {
>               halfkey = Hex {
>                 f2 26 19 64 b2 50 7d 92  0f 73 13 e7 74 b7 1e e5
>                 a8 80 83 f6 a7 ba bd d7  9f 97 5b d3 7f 04 8a 78
>                 eb 08 45 4c 52 87 48 d2  2c 94 f0 1c e3 7e 77 ec
>                 58 ef bd 93 98 31 db 75  4d 7a b7 2f 91 c1 11 3e
>                 a8 f6 cf bb b7 a2 28 a0  46 2b 0c 2d 2e 75 0e 0c
>                 28 60 12 b5 42 dc 32 a1  f8 52 97 51 72 2f 55 34
>                 a5 4e 80 84 f5 9f 24 99  9c fc f2 e2 20 d3 f7 f5
>                 de 6e 55 92 ef 1a a6 f0  69 c2 69 c5 65 75 06 59
>               modSize = Hex {
>                 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  c9 0f da a2 21 68 c2 34
>                 c4 c6 62 8b 80 dc 1c d1  29 02 4e 08 8a 67 cc 74
>                 02 0b be a6 3b 13 9b 22  51 4a 08 79 8e 34 04 dd
>                 ef 95 19 b3 cd 3a 43 1b  30 2b 0a 6d f2 5f 14 37
>                 4f e1 35 6d 6d 51 c2 45  e4 85 b5 76 62 5e 7e c6
>                 f4 4c 42 e9 a6 37 ed 6b  0b ff 5c b6 f4 06 b7 ed
>                 ee 38 6b fb 5a 89 9f a5  ae 9f 24 11 7c 4b 1f e6
>                 49 28 66 51 ec e6 53 81  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
>               generator = 00000010
>             }
>           }
>         }
>         mediaWaitForConnect = false
>         canOverlapSend = false
>         multipleCalls = false
>         maintainConnection = false
>         presentationIndicator = presentationAllowed <<null>>
>         screeningIndicator = userProvidedVerifiedAndFailed
>       }
>       h245Tunneling = false
>     }
>     user_data = {
>       protocol_discriminator = 5
>       user_information =  15 octets {
>         53 65 74 75 70 20 2d 20  6d 65 73 73 61 67 65      Setup - message
>       }
>     }
>   }
> }
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.654 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(2020) Q931s GWRewrite
> source for setup H323 ID or E164
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.654 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(2405) Q931s Source address peer address caller is behind NAT
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.654 2       RasTbl.cxx(3430) CallTable::Insert(CALL)
Call No. 5, total sessions : 1
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.654 2       gkacct.cxx(950) GKACCT Successfully logged
event 1 for call no. 5
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.654 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(4758) Q931s Set Called
> Numbering Plan 1 Type Of Number 2
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.654 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(2828) Q931s Call 5 is NAT
> type 1
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.654 1 ProxyChannel.cxx(868) Call 5: h245Routed=1
> proxy=1
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.654 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(885) GK Call 5 proxy
> enabled
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.654 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(964) Q931 Send to {
>   q931pdu = {
>     protocolDiscriminator = 8
>     callReference = 10180
>     from = originator
>     messageType = Setup
>     IE: Bearer-Capability = {
>       88 18 86 a5                                        ....
>     }
>     IE: Display = {
>       6d 64                                              md
>     }
>     IE: Called-Party-Number = {
>       a1 31 30 30 31                                     .1001
>     }
>     IE: User-User = {
>       60 b8 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 02 40 01 00 6d 00 64
>       01 80 7a cb 22 c0 b5 00  23 31 0f 50 6f 6c 79 63   ..z."...#1.Polyc
>       6f 6d 20 56 69 61 56 69  64 65 6f 17 52 65 6c 65   om ViaVideo.Rele
>       61 73 65 20 38 2e 30 3a  20 38 2e 30 2e 31 36 2e   ase 8.0: 8.0.16.
>       30 30 30 33 00 01 01 80  43 34 00 cb a1 45 f2 06   0003....C4...E..
>       b8 00 02 32 b3 8d cd 00  00 10 08 42 79 be 1f 6c   ...2.......By..l
>       35 cb 00 7d cd 98 07 00  c0 a8 2d 02 0c 9e 11 00   5..}......-.....
>       02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10  08 41 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb   .2.......Ay..l5.
>       02 01 20 81 af 03 00 00  07 00 08 81 6b 00 03 18   .. .........k...
>       10 00 07 00 08 81 6b 00  03 28 00 02 00 75 35 60   ......k..(...u5`
>       03 5a f9 d9 df 12 66 f8  b4 8d 3d 09 19 c8 64 ec   .Z....f...=...d.
>       aa 18 63 b9 bf fe c6 d9  1d 50 8b 13 50 1b e0 b6   ..c......P..P...
>       2d c7 ee cd fe 0b 13 f2  bd a7 d2 8a f0 e4 06 75   -..............u
>       c1 c7 1a 09 36 7c ac 2e  be 13 e9 96 71 02 00 91   ....6|......q...
>       cf d2 25 aa 91 4c cd 35  21 95 91 4c e5 8d 20 18   ..%..L.5!..L.. .
>       a1 61 0a ad cd 41 40 a9  51 29 33 be db 10 60 14
>       69 91 e6 1c 1f 4d 5d 25  8e 58 13 60 50 24 88 45   i....M]%.X.`P$.E
>       3d fb b1 19 73 51 89 2c  a5 4a e9 9d ae 71 d7 00   =...sQ.,.J...q..
>       08 03 10 00 07 00 08 81  6b 00 03 2b 00 04 00 f2   ........k..+....
>       26 19 64 b2 50 7d 92 0f  73 13 e7 74 b7 1e e5 a8   &.d.P}..s..t....
>       80 83 f6 a7 ba bd d7 9f  97 5b d3 7f 04 8a 78 eb   .........[....x.
>       08 45 4c 52 87 48 d2 2c  94 f0 1c e3 7e 77 ec 58   .ELR.H.,....~w.X
>       ef bd 93 98 31 db 75 4d  7a b7 2f 91 c1 11 3e a8   ....1.uMz./...>.
>       f6 cf bb b7 a2 28 a0 46  2b 0c 2d 2e 75 0e 0c 28   .....(.F+.-.u..(
>       60 12 b5 42 dc 32 a1 f8  52 97 51 72 2f 55 34 a5   `..B.2..R.Qr/U4.
>       4e 80 84 f5 9f 24 99 9c  fc f2 e2 20 d3 f7 f5 de   N....$..... ....
>       6e 55 92 ef 1a a6 f0 69  c2 69 c5 65 75 06 59 04
>       00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  ff c9 0f da a2 21 68 c2   .............!h.
>       34 c4 c6 62 8b 80 dc 1c  d1 29 02 4e 08 8a 67 cc   4..b.....).N..g.
>       74 02 0b be a6 3b 13 9b  22 51 4a 08 79 8e 34 04   t....;.."QJ.y.4.
>       dd ef 95 19 b3 cd 3a 43  1b 30 2b 0a 6d f2 5f 14   ......:C.0+.m._.
>       37 4f e1 35 6d 6d 51 c2  45 e4 85 b5 76 62 5e 7e   7O.5mmQ.E...vb^~
>       c6 f4 4c 42 e9 a6 37 ed  6b 0b ff 5c b6 f4 06 b7   ..LB..7.k..\....
>       ed ee 38 6b fb 5a 89 9f  a5 ae 9f 24 11 7c 4b 1f   ..8k.Z.....$.|K.
>       e6 49 28 66 51 ec e6 53  81 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   .I(fQ..S........
>       ff 00 08 02 01 00 01 00  01 00 01 00 01 00 01 40   ...............@
>       02 80 01 00 00 05 0e 53  65 74 75 70 20 2d 20 6d   .......Setup - m
>       65 73 73 61 67 65                                  essage
>     }
>   }
>   h225pdu = {
>     h323_uu_pdu = {
>       h323_message_body = setup {
>         protocolIdentifier =
>         sourceAddress = 2 entries {
>           [0]=h323_ID  2 characters {
>             006d 0064                                 md
>           }
>           [1]=dialedDigits "4798"
>         }
>         sourceInfo = {
>           vendor = {
>             vendor = {
>               t35CountryCode = 181
>               t35Extension = 0
>               manufacturerCode = 9009
>             }
>             productId =  16 octets {
>               50 6f 6c 79 63 6f 6d 20  56 69 61 56 69 64 65 6f   Polycom
>             }
>             versionId =  24 octets {
>               52 65 6c 65 61 73 65 20  38 2e 30 3a 20 38 2e 30   Release
8.0: 8.0
>               2e 31 36 2e 30 30 30 33                            .16.0003
>             }
>           }
>           terminal = {
>           }
>           mc = false
>           undefinedNode = false
>         }
>         destinationAddress = 1 entries {
>           [0]=dialedDigits "1001"
>         }
>         destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>           ip =  4 octets {
>             cb a1 45 f2                                        ..E.
>           }
>           port = 1720
>         }
>         activeMC = false
>         conferenceID =  16 octets {
>           02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10  08 42 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb
>         }
>         conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
>         callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
>         sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>           ip =  4 octets {
>             c0 a8 2d 02                                        ..-.
>           }
>           port = 3230
>         }
>         callIdentifier = {
>           guid =  16 octets {
>             02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10  08 41 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb
>           }
>         }
>         h245SecurityCapability = 1 entries {
>           [0]=noSecurity <<null>>
>         }
>         tokens = 3 entries {
>           [0]={
>             tokenOID =
>           }
>           [1]={
>             tokenOID =
>             dhkey = {
>               halfkey = Hex {
>                 75 35 60 03 5a f9 d9 df  12 66 f8 b4 8d 3d 09 19
>                 c8 64 ec aa 18 63 b9 bf  fe c6 d9 1d 50 8b 13 50
>                 1b e0 b6 2d c7 ee cd fe  0b 13 f2 bd a7 d2 8a f0
>                 e4 06 75 c1 c7 1a 09 36  7c ac 2e be 13 e9 96 71
>               modSize = Hex {
>                 91 cf d2 25 aa 91 4c cd  35 21 95 91 4c e5 8d 20
>                 18 a1 61 0a ad cd 41 40  a9 51 29 33 be db 10 60
>                 14 69 91 e6 1c 1f 4d 5d  25 8e 58 13 60 50 24 88
>                 45 3d fb b1 19 73 51 89  2c a5 4a e9 9d ae 71 d7
>               generator = 00000011
>             }
>           }
>           [2]={
>             tokenOID =
>             dhkey = {
>               halfkey = Hex {
>                 f2 26 19 64 b2 50 7d 92  0f 73 13 e7 74 b7 1e e5
>                 a8 80 83 f6 a7 ba bd d7  9f 97 5b d3 7f 04 8a 78
>                 eb 08 45 4c 52 87 48 d2  2c 94 f0 1c e3 7e 77 ec
>                 58 ef bd 93 98 31 db 75  4d 7a b7 2f 91 c1 11 3e
>                 a8 f6 cf bb b7 a2 28 a0  46 2b 0c 2d 2e 75 0e 0c
>                 28 60 12 b5 42 dc 32 a1  f8 52 97 51 72 2f 55 34
>                 a5 4e 80 84 f5 9f 24 99  9c fc f2 e2 20 d3 f7 f5
>                 de 6e 55 92 ef 1a a6 f0  69 c2 69 c5 65 75 06 59
>               modSize = Hex {
>                 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  c9 0f da a2 21 68 c2 34
>                 c4 c6 62 8b 80 dc 1c d1  29 02 4e 08 8a 67 cc 74
>                 02 0b be a6 3b 13 9b 22  51 4a 08 79 8e 34 04 dd
>                 ef 95 19 b3 cd 3a 43 1b  30 2b 0a 6d f2 5f 14 37
>                 4f e1 35 6d 6d 51 c2 45  e4 85 b5 76 62 5e 7e c6
>                 f4 4c 42 e9 a6 37 ed 6b  0b ff 5c b6 f4 06 b7 ed
>                 ee 38 6b fb 5a 89 9f a5  ae 9f 24 11 7c 4b 1f e6
>                 49 28 66 51 ec e6 53 81  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
>               generator = 00000010
>             }
>           }
>         }
>         mediaWaitForConnect = false
>         canOverlapSend = false
>         multipleCalls = false
>         maintainConnection = false
>         presentationIndicator = presentationAllowed <<null>>
>         screeningIndicator = userProvidedVerifiedAndFailed
>       }
>       h245Tunneling = false
>     }
>     user_data = {
>       protocol_discriminator = 5
>       user_information =  15 octets {
>         53 65 74 75 70 20 2d 20  6d 65 73 73 61 67 65      Setup - message
>       }
>     }
>   }
> }
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.669 4     yasocket.cxx(920) TCPSrv Accept request on
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.669 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(4641) Q931 Connect to
> from successful
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.669 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(1021) Q931s Received: Setup
> CRV=10180 from
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.669 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(964) Q931 Received: {
>   q931pdu = {
>     protocolDiscriminator = 8
>     callReference = 10180
>     from = originator
>     messageType = Setup
>     IE: Bearer-Capability = {
>       88 18 86 a5                                        ....
>     }
>     IE: Display = {
>       6d 64                                              md
>     }
>     IE: Called-Party-Number = {
>       a1 31 30 30 31                                     .1001
>     }
>     IE: User-User = {
>       60 b8 06 00 08 91 4a 00  04 02 40 01 00 6d 00 64
>       01 80 7a cb 22 c0 b5 00  23 31 0f 50 6f 6c 79 63   ..z."...#1.Polyc
>       6f 6d 20 56 69 61 56 69  64 65 6f 17 52 65 6c 65   om ViaVideo.Rele
>       61 73 65 20 38 2e 30 3a  20 38 2e 30 2e 31 36 2e   ase 8.0: 8.0.16.
>       30 30 30 33 00 01 01 80  43 34 00 cb a1 45 f2 06   0003....C4...E..
>       b8 00 02 32 b3 8d cd 00  00 10 08 42 79 be 1f 6c   ...2.......By..l
>       35 cb 00 7d cd 98 07 00  c0 a8 2d 02 0c 9e 11 00   5..}......-.....
>       02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10  08 41 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb   .2.......Ay..l5.
>       02 01 20 81 af 03 00 00  07 00 08 81 6b 00 03 18   .. .........k...
>       10 00 07 00 08 81 6b 00  03 28 00 02 00 75 35 60   ......k..(...u5`
>       03 5a f9 d9 df 12 66 f8  b4 8d 3d 09 19 c8 64 ec   .Z....f...=...d.
>       aa 18 63 b9 bf fe c6 d9  1d 50 8b 13 50 1b e0 b6   ..c......P..P...
>       2d c7 ee cd fe 0b 13 f2  bd a7 d2 8a f0 e4 06 75   -..............u
>       c1 c7 1a 09 36 7c ac 2e  be 13 e9 96 71 02 00 91   ....6|......q...
>       cf d2 25 aa 91 4c cd 35  21 95 91 4c e5 8d 20 18   ..%..L.5!..L.. .
>       a1 61 0a ad cd 41 40 a9  51 29 33 be db 10 60 14
>       69 91 e6 1c 1f 4d 5d 25  8e 58 13 60 50 24 88 45   i....M]%.X.`P$.E
>       3d fb b1 19 73 51 89 2c  a5 4a e9 9d ae 71 d7 00   =...sQ.,.J...q..
>       08 03 10 00 07 00 08 81  6b 00 03 2b 00 04 00 f2   ........k..+....
>       26 19 64 b2 50 7d 92 0f  73 13 e7 74 b7 1e e5 a8   &.d.P}..s..t....
>       80 83 f6 a7 ba bd d7 9f  97 5b d3 7f 04 8a 78 eb   .........[....x.
>       08 45 4c 52 87 48 d2 2c  94 f0 1c e3 7e 77 ec 58   .ELR.H.,....~w.X
>       ef bd 93 98 31 db 75 4d  7a b7 2f 91 c1 11 3e a8   ....1.uMz./...>.
>       f6 cf bb b7 a2 28 a0 46  2b 0c 2d 2e 75 0e 0c 28   .....(.F+.-.u..(
>       60 12 b5 42 dc 32 a1 f8  52 97 51 72 2f 55 34 a5   `..B.2..R.Qr/U4.
>       4e 80 84 f5 9f 24 99 9c  fc f2 e2 20 d3 f7 f5 de   N....$..... ....
>       6e 55 92 ef 1a a6 f0 69  c2 69 c5 65 75 06 59 04
>       00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  ff c9 0f da a2 21 68 c2   .............!h.
>       34 c4 c6 62 8b 80 dc 1c  d1 29 02 4e 08 8a 67 cc   4..b.....).N..g.
>       74 02 0b be a6 3b 13 9b  22 51 4a 08 79 8e 34 04   t....;.."QJ.y.4.
>       dd ef 95 19 b3 cd 3a 43  1b 30 2b 0a 6d f2 5f 14   ......:C.0+.m._.
>       37 4f e1 35 6d 6d 51 c2  45 e4 85 b5 76 62 5e 7e   7O.5mmQ.E...vb^~
>       c6 f4 4c 42 e9 a6 37 ed  6b 0b ff 5c b6 f4 06 b7   ..LB..7.k..\....
>       ed ee 38 6b fb 5a 89 9f  a5 ae 9f 24 11 7c 4b 1f   ..8k.Z.....$.|K.
>       e6 49 28 66 51 ec e6 53  81 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   .I(fQ..S........
>       ff 00 08 02 01 00 01 00  01 00 01 00 01 00 01 40   ...............@
>       02 80 01 00 00 05 0e 53  65 74 75 70 20 2d 20 6d   .......Setup - m
>       65 73 73 61 67 65                                  essage
>     }
>   }
>   h225pdu = {
>     h323_uu_pdu = {
>       h323_message_body = setup {
>         protocolIdentifier =
>         sourceAddress = 2 entries {
>           [0]=h323_ID  2 characters {
>             006d 0064                                 md
>           }
>           [1]=dialedDigits "4798"
>         }
>         sourceInfo = {
>           vendor = {
>             vendor = {
>               t35CountryCode = 181
>               t35Extension = 0
>               manufacturerCode = 9009
>             }
>             productId =  16 octets {
>               50 6f 6c 79 63 6f 6d 20  56 69 61 56 69 64 65 6f   Polycom
>             }
>             versionId =  24 octets {
>               52 65 6c 65 61 73 65 20  38 2e 30 3a 20 38 2e 30   Release
8.0: 8.0
>               2e 31 36 2e 30 30 30 33                            .16.0003
>             }
>           }
>           terminal = {
>           }
>           mc = false
>           undefinedNode = false
>         }
>         destinationAddress = 1 entries {
>           [0]=dialedDigits "1001"
>         }
>         destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>           ip =  4 octets {
>             cb a1 45 f2                                        ..E.
>           }
>           port = 1720
>         }
>         activeMC = false
>         conferenceID =  16 octets {
>           02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10  08 42 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb
>         }
>         conferenceGoal = create <<null>>
>         callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
>         sourceCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>           ip =  4 octets {
>             c0 a8 2d 02                                        ..-.
>           }
>           port = 3230
>         }
>         callIdentifier = {
>           guid =  16 octets {
>             02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10  08 41 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb
>           }
>         }
>         h245SecurityCapability = 1 entries {
>           [0]=noSecurity <<null>>
>         }
>         tokens = 3 entries {
>           [0]={
>             tokenOID =
>           }
>           [1]={
>             tokenOID =
>             dhkey = {
>               halfkey = Hex {
>                 75 35 60 03 5a f9 d9 df  12 66 f8 b4 8d 3d 09 19
>                 c8 64 ec aa 18 63 b9 bf  fe c6 d9 1d 50 8b 13 50
>                 1b e0 b6 2d c7 ee cd fe  0b 13 f2 bd a7 d2 8a f0
>                 e4 06 75 c1 c7 1a 09 36  7c ac 2e be 13 e9 96 71
>               modSize = Hex {
>                 91 cf d2 25 aa 91 4c cd  35 21 95 91 4c e5 8d 20
>                 18 a1 61 0a ad cd 41 40  a9 51 29 33 be db 10 60
>                 14 69 91 e6 1c 1f 4d 5d  25 8e 58 13 60 50 24 88
>                 45 3d fb b1 19 73 51 89  2c a5 4a e9 9d ae 71 d7
>               generator = 00000011
>             }
>           }
>           [2]={
>             tokenOID =
>             dhkey = {
>               halfkey = Hex {
>                 f2 26 19 64 b2 50 7d 92  0f 73 13 e7 74 b7 1e e5
>                 a8 80 83 f6 a7 ba bd d7  9f 97 5b d3 7f 04 8a 78
>                 eb 08 45 4c 52 87 48 d2  2c 94 f0 1c e3 7e 77 ec
>                 58 ef bd 93 98 31 db 75  4d 7a b7 2f 91 c1 11 3e
>                 a8 f6 cf bb b7 a2 28 a0  46 2b 0c 2d 2e 75 0e 0c
>                 28 60 12 b5 42 dc 32 a1  f8 52 97 51 72 2f 55 34
>                 a5 4e 80 84 f5 9f 24 99  9c fc f2 e2 20 d3 f7 f5
>                 de 6e 55 92 ef 1a a6 f0  69 c2 69 c5 65 75 06 59
>               modSize = Hex {
>                 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  c9 0f da a2 21 68 c2 34
>                 c4 c6 62 8b 80 dc 1c d1  29 02 4e 08 8a 67 cc 74
>                 02 0b be a6 3b 13 9b 22  51 4a 08 79 8e 34 04 dd
>                 ef 95 19 b3 cd 3a 43 1b  30 2b 0a 6d f2 5f 14 37
>                 4f e1 35 6d 6d 51 c2 45  e4 85 b5 76 62 5e 7e c6
>                 f4 4c 42 e9 a6 37 ed 6b  0b ff 5c b6 f4 06 b7 ed
>                 ee 38 6b fb 5a 89 9f a5  ae 9f 24 11 7c 4b 1f e6
>                 49 28 66 51 ec e6 53 81  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
>               generator = 00000010
>             }
>           }
>         }
>         mediaWaitForConnect = false
>         canOverlapSend = false
>         multipleCalls = false
>         maintainConnection = false
>         presentationIndicator = presentationAllowed <<null>>
>         screeningIndicator = userProvidedVerifiedAndFailed
>       }
>       h245Tunneling = false
>     }
>     user_data = {
>       protocol_discriminator = 5
>       user_information =  15 octets {
>         53 65 74 75 70 20 2d 20  6d 65 73 73 61 67 65      Setup - message
>       }
>     }
>   }
> }
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.685 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(2020) Q931s GWRewrite
> source for setup H323 ID or E164
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.685 2 ProxyChannel.cxx(2082) Q931s Warning: socket
( already attached for callid 02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10 08
41 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.685 2       RasTbl.cxx(3872) CDR ignore not connected
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.685 2       gkacct.cxx(950) GKACCT Successfully logged
event 2 for call no. 5
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.685 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(964) Q931 Send to {
>   q931pdu = {
>     protocolDiscriminator = 8
>     callReference = 42948
>     from = destination
>     messageType = ReleaseComplete
>     IE: Cause - Call rejected = {
>       80 95                                              ..
>     }
>     IE: User-User = {
>       25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  02 01 11 00 02 32 b3 8d   %.....J......2..
>       cd 00 00 10 08 41 79 be  1f 6c 35 cb 02 80 01 00   .....Ay..l5.....
>     }
>   }
>   h225pdu = {
>     h323_uu_pdu = {
>       h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
>         protocolIdentifier =
>         callIdentifier = {
>           guid =  16 octets {
>             02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10  08 41 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb
>           }
>         }
>       }
>       h245Tunneling = false
>     }
>   }
> }
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.685 3     yasocket.cxx(576) Q931s Delete socket
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.685 3 ProxyChannel.cxx(1021) Q931d Received:
> ReleaseComplete CRV=10180 from
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.685 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(964) Q931 Received: {
>   q931pdu = {
>     protocolDiscriminator = 8
>     callReference = 10180
>     from = destination
>     messageType = ReleaseComplete
>     IE: Cause - Call rejected = {
>       80 95                                              ..
>     }
>     IE: User-User = {
>       25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  02 01 11 00 02 32 b3 8d   %.....J......2..
>       cd 00 00 10 08 41 79 be  1f 6c 35 cb 02 80 01 00   .....Ay..l5.....
>     }
>   }
>   h225pdu = {
>     h323_uu_pdu = {
>       h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
>         protocolIdentifier =
>         callIdentifier = {
>           guid =  16 octets {
>             02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10  08 41 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb
>           }
>         }
>       }
>       h245Tunneling = false
>     }
>   }
> }
> 2011/01/07 13:25:41.685 4 ProxyChannel.cxx(964) Q931 Send to {
>   q931pdu = {
>     protocolDiscriminator = 8
>     callReference = 10180
>     from = destination
>     messageType = ReleaseComplete
>     IE: Cause - Call rejected = {
>       80 95                                              ..
>     }
>     IE: User-User = {
>       25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  02 01 11 00 02 32 b3 8d   %.....J......2..
>       cd 00 00 10 08 41 79 be  1f 6c 35 cb 02 80 01 00   .....Ay..l5.....
>     }
>   }
>   h225pdu = {
>     h323_uu_pdu = {
>       h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
>         protocolIdentifier =
>         callIdentifier = {
>           guid =  16 octets {
>             02 32 b3 8d cd 00 00 10  08 41 79 be 1f 6c 35 cb
>           }
>         }
>       }
>       h245Tunneling = false
>     }
>   }
> }
> 2011/01/07 13:25:46.685 3     yasocket.cxx(576) Q931s Delete socket
> 2011/01/07 13:25:46.685 3     yasocket.cxx(576) Q931d Delete socket
> 2011/01/07 13:25:47.545 3       RasTbl.cxx(2080) Gk Delete Call No. 5


Gaining the trust of online customers is vital for the success of any
that requires sensitive data to be transmitted over the Web.   Learn how to
best implement a security strategy that keeps consumers' information secure
and instills the confidence they need to proceed with transactions.


Openh323gk-users mailing list

End of Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 56, Issue 2

Gaining the trust of online customers is vital for the success of any
that requires sensitive data to be transmitted over the Web.   Learn how to
best implement a security strategy that keeps consumers' information secure
and instills the confidence they need to proceed with transactions.

Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Gaining the trust of online customers is vital for the success of any company
that requires sensitive data to be transmitted over the Web.   Learn how to
best implement a security strategy that keeps consumers' information secure
and instills the confidence they need to proceed with transactions.


Openh323gk-users mailing list

End of Openh323gk-users Digest, Vol 56, Issue 6

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Gaining the trust of online customers is vital for the success of any company
that requires sensitive data to be transmitted over the Web.   Learn how to 
best implement a security strategy that keeps consumers' information secure 
and instills the confidence they need to proceed with transactions. 

Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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