Compile failure in ptlib, Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS

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Grabbed ptlib from SVN, exported the ptlib directory, ran ./configure
and make debugnoshared

The compile errors:

[CC] ptlib/common/osutils.cxx
[CC] ptlib/common/safecoll.cxx
[CC] ptlib/common/collect.cxx
[CC] ptlib/common/contain.cxx
[CC] ptlib/common/object.cxx
[AR] /home/administrator/ptlib/lib_linux_x86_64/libpt_d_s.a
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/administrator/ptlib/src'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/administrator/ptlib/src'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/administrator/ptlib/plugins'
make DEBUG=1 P_SHAREDLIB=0 default_target
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/administrator/ptlib/plugins'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/administrator/ptlib/plugins'
set -e; make -C sound_alsa debugnoshared ; make -C sound_pulse
debugnoshared ; make -C vidinput_v4l2 debugnoshared ;
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/administrator/ptlib/plugins/sound_alsa'
make DEBUG=1 P_SHAREDLIB=0 default_target
make[3]: Entering directory `/home/administrator/ptlib/plugins/sound_alsa'
[CC] sound_alsa.cxx
g++: /home/administrator/ptlib/lib_linux_x86_64/ No such file
or directory
make[3]: *** [/home/administrator/ptlib/lib_linux_x86_64/device/sound/alsa_pwplugin.a]
Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/administrator/ptlib/plugins/sound_alsa'
make[2]: *** [debugnoshared] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/administrator/ptlib/plugins/sound_alsa'
make[1]: *** [debugnoshared] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/administrator/ptlib/plugins'
make: *** [debugnoshared] Error 2

However, if I first run "make" (thereby creating the shared libraries
for PTLIB) and then immediately run make debugnoshared after that,
then the compile appears to work correctly.

Has anyone else run into this issue when compiling a "fresh"
installation of ptlib?

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