Re: Proposed Patch for Consideration for Routing.cxx to handle 2 column SQL return better.

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I've tested the new code with what I believe is all my test scenario's 
and all is working perfectly.  I have to say your patch is much more 
elegant and to the point than mine was. 

Thanks very much


Jan Willamowius wrote:
> Andrew,
> your patch only handles the case where the database returns
> "<alias>, NOGATEWAY" properly, but fails when the first column in a 2
> column result is an IP.
> I have put a patch into the CVS that allows both "<alias>, IGNORE" and
> "<ip>, IGNORE" and will treat them as if the 2nd column wasn't there.
> My implementation also avoids the copy/past code duplication.
> I would have preferred a patch that handles these varying column
> numbers on a higher level in the GkSqlResult class for all SQL
> based modules, but I don't have the time right now to figure out an
> implementation that isn't too expensive performance wise.
> Regards,
> Jan
> Andrew Herdman wrote:
>> Jan;
>> Been working on this in my "spare" time between other projects.  I did 
>> get what you mentioned working using mysql and a stored procedure that 
>> returned what I wanted when I wanted it.  So one column when it was just 
>> an alias transform, and two columns when it was a gateway call (with 
>> possibility of a transform at the same time).  This is working well.
>> Then someone came along and wanted me to look at using PostgreSQL 
>> instead.  So I re-wrote my stored procedures with some help from this 
>> someone, but we ran into a significant problem.  Unlike mysql, 
>> postgresql will only return a deterministic number of columns, you then 
>> can't provide the same translation and call routing option in the query 
>> passed from GNU/GK, at least not without deploying multiple GNU/GK's, 
>> one for translation, and one for routing, which is probably excessive in 
>> any normal environment.
>> So I re-visited the original patch I sent you last month, and I can say 
>> that I do understand your hesitation on the NULL pieces now that I've 
>> had to muck around in the database area myself.  So, very similar to the 
>> previous patch, but this time, matching a text much like you did for the 
>> REJECT string, but in this case, if there is no gateway, instead of NULL 
>> as I did last time, return "NOGATEWAY" which is interpreted in this patch;
>> --- Routing.cxx.orig    2010-09-12 10:55:13.000000000 -0400
>> +++ Routing.cxx 2010-09-23 14:20:56.000000000 -0400
>> @@ -1818,7 +1818,21 @@
>>                         H323SetAliasAddress(newDestination, newAliases[0]);
>>                         destination.SetNewAliases(newAliases);
>>                 }
>> -       } else if (result->GetNumFields() == 2) {
>> +// Added by Andrew Herdman to allow a return on the 2nd column always 
>> but indicate not to use it.
>> +       } else if ((result->GetNumFields() == 2) && (resultRow[1].first 
>> == "NOGATEWAY"))  {
>> +               PString newDestinationAlias = resultRow[0].first;
>> +               PString newDestinationIP = resultRow[1].first;
>> +               PTRACE(5, m_name << "\tQuery result : " << 
>> newDestinationAlias << ", " << newDestinationIP);
>> +               if (newDestinationAlias.ToUpper() == "REJECT") {
>> +                       destination.SetRejectCall(true);
>> +               } else {
>> +                       H225_ArrayOf_AliasAddress newAliases;
>> +                       newAliases.SetSize(1);
>> +                       H323SetAliasAddress(newDestinationAlias, 
>> newAliases[0]);
>> +                       destination.SetNewAliases(newAliases);
>> +               }
>> +       } else if ((result->GetNumFields() == 2) && (resultRow[1].first 
>> != "NOGATEWAY")) {
>> +// End Code Added by Andrew Herdman (2010-09-23)
>>                 PString newDestinationAlias = resultRow[0].first;
>>                 PString newDestinationIP = resultRow[1].first;
>>                 PTRACE(5, m_name << "\tQuery result : " << 
>> newDestinationAlias << ", " << newDestinationIP);
>> Now, I suspect this could be much more efficiently inserted in the code 
>> that matches two columns in the first place, but I couldn't grasp in the 
>> logic where to insert it.
>> While for now I myself would have been happy to stick with mysql, I 
>> recognize that postgresql offers much more options for stored functions, 
>> including alternative languages that will greatly improve the 
>> customization on call control that can be achieved beyond what mysql's 
>> sql implementation allows for.
>> Thanks and Best Regards
>>   Andrew
>> Jan Willamowius wrote:
>>> Andrew,
>>> sure, your patch makes your current query work, but so would rewriting
>>> the query. I am hesitant to add the patch to the CVS, because in many
>>> cases the NULL in one of the columns is the result of a bug in the SQL
>>> query, eg. a JOIN gone astray, missing data etc. To give that a legal
>>> meaning to a typical error condition will make debugging the SQL
>>> routing even more complicated than it is now.
>>> There are many ways to do what you want with the current implementation:
>>> Your SQL query gets complicated, because you try to produce both result
>>> formats (just the alias rewrite and the routing to a gateway) in a
>>> single query.
>>> It would be much easier if you would either provide a gateway IP for
>>> all calls or do the gateway routing by adding a tech-prefix from the
>>> database and let GnuGk do the gateway selection based on that.
>>> But even if you want to stick to your current model, you can just put
>>> the query in a stored procedure and use an IF or CASE statement to
>>> produce the format GnuGk currently expects.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jan
>>> Andrew Herdman wrote:
>>>> Hi Jan;
>>>> I'm not sure I understand (to be clear, I'm historically a Network 
>>>> Engineer, now Voice and Video as well, but I don't program per say, and 
>>>> databases, well sometimes I don't get them at all).  Let me explain my 
>>>> use case and why I wrote (copied and edited really, again not a 
>>>> programmer), the patch.
>>>> I have an mysql Database called routing with columns;
>>>> CREATE TABLE routing.lookup (
>>>>   orig_alias varchar(255),
>>>>   new_alias varchar(255),
>>>>   gatewayip varchar(255),
>>>>   active varchar(1),
>>>>   comment varchar(255)
>>>> );
>>>> I use the following query, to get my answers for GNU/GK;
>>>> Query=SELECT new_alias, gatewayip FROM lookup WHERE orig_alias='%c' AND 
>>>> active='Y'
>>>> I use this database to perform alias transforms, and also call routing 
>>>> to gateways.
>>>> Here's some sample data;
>>>> +------------------+--------------------+---------------+--------+-----------+
>>>> | orig_alias       | new_alias          | gatewayip     | active | 
>>>> comment   |
>>>> +------------------+--------------------+---------------+--------+-----------+
>>>> | 18665138599      | 18665138513        | NULL          | Y      | 
>>>> NULL      |
>>>> | 18667228512      | 18665128512        | NULL          | Y      | 
>>>> NULL      |
>>>> | 18665139999      | andrew@xxxxxxxxx   | NULL          | Y      | 
>>>> NULL      |
>>>> | 18001234567      | 18665100110        | NULL          | Y      | 
>>>> NULL      |
>>>> | 18007654321      | 3334               | NULL          | Y      | MCU 
>>>> Test  |
>>>> | 18007654322      |   | NULL          | Y      | 
>>>> NULL      |
>>>> | bob@xxxxxxxx     | bob@xxxxxxxx       | | Y      | 
>>>> NULL      |
>>>> | _1.2.3.4         | _1.2.3.4           | | Y      | 
>>>> Test      |
>>>> | _                | _                  | | Y      | IP 
>>>> Dialing|
>>>> | *| *  |   | Y      | 
>>>> NULL      |
>>>> +------------------+--------------------+---------------+--------+-----------+
>>>> So in the transform, if I call 18665138599 the gatekeeper will re-write 
>>>> to 18665138513 and proceed.
>>>> In the case where I dial _1.2.3.4, the alias remains the same, but now 
>>>> the gatewayip is passed and the call proceeds to that new Gateway.
>>>> Both these things now work with the "patch" I sent.  Without the patch, 
>>>> the transforms do not work anymore.  Now you mention "NULL".  Is there 
>>>> something that can be put into the gatewayip that will satisfy the first 
>>>> transform case without the code change?
>>>> Thanks
>>>>   Andrew
>>>> Jan Willamowius wrote:
>>>>> Andrew,
>>>>> I'm not sure the patch you propose is a good idea. Your code treats a
>>>>> NULL in the second result column as as if the column wasn't there.
>>>>> a.) This shadows bugs in the SQL code causing the NULL value, eg. a
>>>>> missing IFNULL(). If the SQL is written to return 2 columns, there is
>>>>> good chance that the rest of the configuration relies on a gateway IP
>>>>> being set. If your calls still connect, thats sheer luck.
>>>>> b.) We having special treatment for NULL in one case, but not in other
>>>>> columns and not in other SQL modules (SQLAuth etc.) makes the behavior
>>>>> somewhat inconsistent.
>>>>> I think I would prefer a patch that produce warning messages if NULL is
>>>>> encountered in any column across all SQL modules.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jan
>>>>> Andrew Herdman wrote:
>>>>>> Jan and Group;
>>>>>> I've been playing heavily with the SQL routing policy pieces of recent 
>>>>>> and stumbled upon an issue with a database structure that returns 2 
>>>>>> columns, when the second one is NULL.    If this case, the call fails.  
>>>>>> If the query only returns one column, the function works properly, and 
>>>>>> if you ensure that a gateway IP in a case where two columns are being 
>>>>>> returned, those calls work (unless you try to use your own IP for the 
>>>>>> gateway).
>>>>>> Anyway, looking at the code, I copied, and edited this patch, it works 
>>>>>> in all cases (translate just alias, or add gateway IP, or lastly, 
>>>>>> translate alias and add gateway IP).  I'd like to submit this patch for 
>>>>>> consideration to be included in the CVS code.  Please excuse the 
>>>>>> comments, they were put into the code so I could track my changes.
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>   Andrew
>>>>>> --- Routing.cxx 2010-08-27 08:24:08.000000000 -0400
>>>>>> +++ /root/openh323gk/Routing.cxx  2010-08-26 14:24:49.000000000 -0400
>>>>>> @@ -1794,7 +1794,21 @@ void SqlPolicy::DatabaseLookup(
>>>>>>                         H323SetAliasAddress(newDestination, newAliases[0]);
>>>>>>                         destination.SetNewAliases(newAliases);
>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>> -       } else if (result->GetNumFields() == 2) {
>>>>>> +// Added by Andrew Herdman to get around the NULL 2nd column (2010-08-26)
>>>>>> +       } else if ((result->GetNumFields() == 2) && (resultRow[1].first 
>>>>>> == NULL))  {
>>>>>> +               PString newDestinationAlias = resultRow[0].first;
>>>>>> +               PString newDestinationIP = resultRow[1].first;
>>>>>> +               PTRACE(5, m_name << "\tQuery result : " << 
>>>>>> newDestinationAlias << ", " << newDestinationIP);
>>>>>> +               if (newDestinationAlias.ToUpper() == "REJECT") {
>>>>>> +                       destination.SetRejectCall(true);
>>>>>> +               } else {
>>>>>> +                       H225_ArrayOf_AliasAddress newAliases;
>>>>>> +                       newAliases.SetSize(1);
>>>>>> +                       H323SetAliasAddress(newDestinationAlias, 
>>>>>> newAliases[0]);
>>>>>> +                       destination.SetNewAliases(newAliases);
>>>>>> +               }
>>>>>> +       } else if ((result->GetNumFields() == 2) && (resultRow[1].first 
>>>>>> != NULL)) {
>>>>>> +// End Code Added by Andrew Herdman (2010-08-26)
>>>>>>                 PString newDestinationAlias = resultRow[0].first;
>>>>>>                 PString newDestinationIP = resultRow[1].first;
>>>>>>                 PTRACE(5, m_name << "\tQuery result : " << 
>>>>>> newDestinationAlias << ", " << newDestinationIP);

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