I’m having trouble placing external IP calls with our
teleconferencing equipment. We have a Tandberg MPS 200 and several
miscellaneous endpoints. We’re using GnuGK to route calls on our
network based on E.164 number, plus we have a few endpoints connectable only
via ISDN. When I tell our bridge to call an IP address outside our
network (through the internet), my endpoints tell me the “Gatekeeper
cannot find the destination”. The destination is not registered to
GnuGK. I only need a call to go out past our firewall; I don’t need
any to come in. Can I still make a call outside my network and, if so, how?
Here is a copy of my configuration: [Gatekeeper::Main] FortyTwo=42 Name=GnuGk EndpointSuffix=_GnuGk TimeToLive=60 StatusTraceLevel=0 UseBroadcastListener=0 UseMulticastListener=0 UnicastRasPort=1719 ExternalIP=x.x.x.x [GkStatus::Auth] rule=allow [Gatekeeper::Auth] [SimplePasswordAuth] [RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 H245Routed=0 CallSignalPort=1721 AcceptNeighborCalls=1 AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1 TreatUnregisteredNAT=1 RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=1 RemoveCallOnDRQ=0 DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1 SendReleaseCompleteOnDRQ=0 SupportNATedEndpoints=1 SupportCallingNATedEndpoints=1 TranslateFacility=1 [Proxy] Enable=1 ProxyForNAT=1 ProxyForSameNAT=0 Thanks for considering what is, I am sure, a very basic
question. Andy Boatman |
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