We have been running
GnuGK 2.2.7 on Debian for several weeks without any issues. Then I upgraded
the kernel to 2.6.18-6-686 and we have had trouble ever since. Our gatekeeper is
setup with LAN and WAN ethernet ports and registers with our state gatekeeper as
type Terminal. The first thing I noticed was that we could no longer register
with the state gatekeeper because GnuGK was trying to register with the LAN
address. I added ExternalIP=<WAN IP> to our INI which solved the
registration problem. However, we are frequently not able to send
audio/video to the state MCU but we can make point to point calls and receive
audio/video just fine. I am baffled as to what may have changed and how to go
about figuring out what may be going on. Please let me know if you have any
ideas! One think I noticed in the trace files is that it reports that H245
Tunneling is FALSE even though I have GKRouted=1 and H245Routed=1 and proxy is
enabled for NAT.
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