I am trying to pass NAT with one GK behind NAT and another outside.
I am calling from Pacphone registered in NAT-GK (from same subnetwork) like this:
PacPhone (registered) --> NAT GK (in proxy mode) --> Real IP GK (in routing mode) --> Remote termination GW
the call is ringing (in Pacphone) and it connects well but there is no voice on both ways.
The logs from NAT GK are showing that proxy is made through a IP. Is this normal?
I have to mention that the NAT router is set to forward port 1720 to the NAT GK.
2006/07/10 14:31:37.102 6 yasocket.cxx(648) RemoteGnuGK-IP:1720 54 bytes sent
2006/07/10 14:31:37.108 5 yasocket.cxx(743) ProxyRTP(0) 1 sockets selected from 2, total 2/0
2006/07/10 14:31:37.110 6 ProxyChannel.cxx(3526) RTP forward Pacphone-NAT-IP:5012 to RemoteGW-IP:19042
2006/07/10 14:31:37.110 6 yasocket.cxx(648) Pacphone-NAT-IP:5012<=><=> RemoteGW-IP:19042 72 bytes sent
2006/07/10 14:31:37.115 5 yasocket.cxx(743) ProxyH(0) 1 sockets selected from 1, total 0/2
2006/07/10 14:31:37.118 5 ProxyChannel.cxx(607) Q931d Reading from RemoteGnuGK-IP:1720
2006/07/10 14:31:37.118 5 yasocket.cxx(630) Q931d RemoteGnuGK-IP:1720 closed by remote
NAT GnuGK Version:
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.2.5) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=0,mysql=0,pgsql=1,large_fdset=0) Build(Jun 27 2006, 16:43:11) Sys(FreeBSD i386 4.11-STABLE)
GkStatus: Version(2.0) Ext()
Toolkit: Version(1.0) Ext(basic)
Running in proxy mode.
Remote GnuGK Version:
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.2.4) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=0,mysql=0,pgsql=1,large_fdset=1024) Build(Jan 16 2006, 09:44:47) Sys(FreeBSD i386 6.0-STABLE)
GkStatus: Version(2.0) Ext()
Toolkit: Version(1.0) Ext(basic)
Running in routed mode (no proxy).
Maybe I have to use GK 2.2.5 on Remote GK also?
I remember in the past I had simillar issue with some of csv versions. But was working well with others (for the NAT GK).
Anybody can guess what it can be?
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