I just committed a fix to this problem. Please test it
when it is available via the anonymous cvs (RasTbl.cxx file
has changed).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tusar" <tusarbd@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 5:26 PM
I am testing with GnuGK-FailOver-2.2.4 cvs version after committed the
fix of "No Audio" Problem (uninitialized m_unregNAT CallRec variable
in RasTbl.cxx) and Seems OK now but for certain scenerio as below when
a call is going to a "FailOver Route" and caller is from behind NAT ,
it is *ALWAYS* happening "No Audio" Problem. But if caller from Public
IP then it is OK .From CDR log I am getting CallersRtpIP=
(My SoftPhone IP).
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