Hi Again,
Seems that my previously posted question was too long and may be too
simple. So I will try once again... May be that way:
Is it possible to make calls from one ohphone to another through GnuGk
in fully routed mode.
In direct mode, like discriberd in manual, it works, but not in proxied
mode (Could not find user).
Do I have to change routing policy or..
As I understood, OhPhones are registering to GnuGk on their
start, reg. information (IP, alias etc,) is stored in GnuGk`s internat
table and routing is based on this information. So calling with
Ohphones in proxied mode should work as good as in direct mode, but it
doesnt. Probably I am missing something..
Please advice...
> Hi All,
> I am trying to over-load my full-proxied
Gnugk with concurrent calls
> generated by calgen323.
First problem i encounter is that when GK is in direct mode, then my
> callgens happily communicate to each other, as soon as I turn
GK into
> proxied mode, caller part is unable to find the
> callee calgen is run as following:
callgen323 -i xxx.xxx.xxx.2 -u
> testin -g xxx.xxx.0.5
> caller : callgen323 -m 10 -i xxx.xxx.xxx.4 -g xxx.xxx.0.5
-u testout
> -o log -ttt testin
> (all parts -
endpoints, gatekeepr are in different pc-s)
> Seems that
my gatekeeper is unable to locate callee by aliase ... how
> to
make routing like:
> all calls that are made from ep with aliase
"testout" should go to the
> ep with aliase "testin"?
> GK conf:
> ------------------------------
> Fourtytwo=42
> Name=xxx
> Home=xxx
> StatusTraceLevel=2
> [RoutedMode]
> GKRouted=1
> H245Routed=1
> EndpointSignalPort=1720
> RtpHandlerNumber=100
> AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1
> [Proxy]
> enable=1
> Please
> Many thanks,
> Robert