Hi all,
Some time ago I asked about IVR.
As people suggested I tried OpenIVR, woomera and Bayonne with gnugk.
First 2 didn't work for me.
I tried to install Yate on FreeBSD, however Yate doesn't seem like
support static versions of openh323 and pwlib.
Probably I should try it in Linux.
After lot of tries Bayonne-20050116 version only worked as an
endpoint it received a call and played IVR.
However it still has some problems like it couldn't record voice due
to some bug, it only supports g711 codec etc.
Also I don't know yet to make/forward call back to gnugk. It uses own
scripting (ccscript) and it has dial command.
However when I try to dial to gnugk IP, gnugk drops a call saying
"Proxy forward blocked".
Probably gnugk doesn't know where to send the call.
I'm wondering is it possible to make 2 stage dialing with gnugk
together with some IVR server?
Basically I would like to implement the scenario something like:
Endpoint calls ---> some gateway ---> GNUGK-------->forwards call
\ /
When user dials to some access number, gnugk forwards call to IVR
server. Then IVR server plays IVR
and prompts user enter ACCOUNT/PIN. After successful
authentication/authorization IVR server forwards call
back to GNUGK and then GNUGK chooses best paths and forwards the call
to final registered gateway or gatekeeper.
Probably all appropriate communication/audio channels should be open
during above process.
Is it possible to do it with GNUGK? How to implement IVR
functionality? What open sources best fit as an IVR server?
Can GNUGK forward the call when call comes from IVR server? How to
make gnugk communicate with IVR server?
If it is impossible how to implement this feature?
I thought maybe it is better to write separate gnugk module which
does all IVR functions and also module for communicating
with IVR module back and forth, call sending/receiving and forwarding.
How hard to do it? I would like to know users/developers opinions.
thanks in advance and sorry for a lot of questions,
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