I was thinking of two ways,
1-) You register the asterisk as a permenant endpoint and attach a prefix to that. Under that prefix you can then call all the endpoints behind asterisk
2-) YOu have already registred asterisk with its endpoints dialed-digits so every cll that comes to the gatekeeper with that alias will actually call the asterisk, so it should have worked in this case.
Do you have configuration samples?
- ----- Original Message -----
- From: Ganbold
- To: openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 12:56 PM
- Subject: Asterisk+GNUGK
- Hi,
- Maybe this is off topic, but I thought there is somebody who can help me in this list.
- I'm trying to configure asterisk-1.0.7 to work with gnugk-2.0.8. Something like:
- SIP phones -> ASTERISK -> GNUGK ->Cisco GW -> PSTN
- |
- h323 phones
- Following is h323.conf in Asterisk:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [general]
- port = 1720
- bindaddr = MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
- disallow=all
- allow=g729
- gatekeeper = x.x.x.x
- secret = 1234
- AllowGKRouted = yes
- noFastStart = yes
- noH245Tunneling = yes
- noSilenceSuppression = yes
- [30598272]
- type=h323
- prefix=1100001,1100005,1100006,1100007
- context=home
- ;e164=1100007
- [1100005]
- type=user
- context=home
- incominglimit=4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- sip.conf in asterisk
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- [general]
- port=5060 ; Port to bind to
- bindaddr=MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be ; Address to bind SIP channel to
- context=home ; Default context for incoming calls
- musicclass=default
- ;videosupport=yes
- allow=g729
- allow=g723
- ;externip = MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
- ;localnet= MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
- [1100001]
- type=friend
- username=1100001
- ;secret=1111
- host=dynamic
- nat=yes
- defaultip= MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
- context=home
- canreinvite=no
- callerid=1100001
- mailbox=1100001@local
- [1100002]
- type=friend
- username=1100002
- ;secret=2222
- nat=yes
- host=dynamic
- context=home
- canreinvite=no
- callerid=1100002
- mailbox=1100002@local
- [1100005]
- type=friend
- username=1100005
- ;secret=1234
- defaultip= MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be
- nat=yes
- host=dynamic
- context=home
- canreinvite=no
- callerid=1100005
- mailbox=1100005@local
- [1100006]
- type=friend
- username=1100006
- ;secret=4321
- host=dynamic
- context=home
- canreinvite=no
- callerid=1100006
- mailbox=1100006@local
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- As in above configuration I'm registering Asterisk as an endpoint to gnugk.
- It is working and I can make calls from SIP phones to PSTN.
- However my question is, how can I call from h323 endpoints to SIP
- phones or vice versa in above case?
- Is it possible? I'm afraid, it can't since asterisk is itself an one
- endpoint to gnugk.
- If possible how can I make it work?
- If not, is it possible to register or make each SIP phones to be known to gnugk?
- How can I accomplish that? Ideally this solution could be the best.
- It would be very helpful if somebody can show me the config samples, or give me some hints and advices.
- thanks in advance,
- Ganbold