Dear all, with NATedEndpoint Section we was able to fix most of the common NAT-Router problems. Please allow me some more questions about this. 1.) is it possible to treat every client as NATedEndpoints in general with [NATedEndpoints] *=true 2.) i realized that it doesn´t matter whether a NAT-Router is Bogus or not, all Routers are working with a Phone setup as NATedEnpoints but what would happen if a real public Endpoint is setup as NATedEndpoint and does the rewriting cause a heavy processing overhead? 3.) With registering at 1719 it is obviously not possible to recognize a NAT Router which is rewriting the packets and claims to be a public Endpoint. For that it is not possible for gnugk to treat the Endpoint as a NAT Endpoint and at the Channel Setup the packets are not rewritten from private to public ip which cause a faulty connection. Please correct me if i am not right. So obviously there must be a stage where packets are exchanged which negotiate with a private IP. (Q.931/H.225/H245 ???) Isn´t it possible to initiate such a negotiation once at registration stage to detect automatically that the Enpoint is behind a NAT Router ? 4.) With the growing circulation of SIP this problem might occur more and more because SIP has exactly the contrary problem. With many Providers it would not work if the router doesn´t rewrite the packets. For that many Router manufacturers decide to rewrite SIP and H.323, but unfortunately not completely at the higher layers. (could the use of 1721 instead of standard 1720 maybe force this problem?) For explanation a thx in advance TOM ------------------------------------------------------- SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide Read honest & candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users. Discover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. _______________________________________________________ List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: Homepage: