When the calls are crossing this GK, i never see the total of concurrent calls to go over 25-30 anymore! But as soon as we directly send the calls to the GW receiving calls we go way above 2/3 T1s.
Looked like something is wrong with the gnugk settings so I checked the statistics on the Main GK, and seems that lots of calls are getting disconnected with cause code 4 (Send special information tone.) which is relativly unusal cause code!
If there is a problem, it happens when there is a larger traffic, so giving you the raw debug is quiet difficult!
Any ideas why this would be happening? All i can think of is maybe this is due to GK being on windows that acts abnormal!
And we are not proxying anything, in fact we are just using this GK only because our exising Main GK does not allow false ANI to be added, and we need to send false ANI to a particular network provider. So all the calls going to that provider must cross gnugk which puts a false ANI and routes the calls to that single GW.
Regards Hamed Nik
From: "Zygmuntowicz Michal" <m.zygmuntowicz@xxxxxxx>
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Subject: Re: Too many Sockets!!
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If you don't need RTP proxy, you can leave RtpHandlerNumber=1. For Windows, the only available way to scale up is to increase number of signaling/rtp threads. Besides, this will give you a better message throughput. Also, Windows platfom handles fd_sets differently than Unix and using such large fd_sets may cause more performance slowdown than spreading sockets among threads.
----- Original Message ----- From: "hamed akhavan" <hakhavan@xxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 12:05 AM
Thanks for the reply. Any idea what the values of those parameters should be for 200 concurrent calls?
I see that in the presentation it mentions "CallSignalHandlerNumber=ConcurrentCalls/10" so for example if i have 200 concurrent cals the value of CallSignalHandlerNumber should be 20, how about the RtpHandlerNumber? is there a formula for that too?
Also is there a pre-compiled binary with FD_SETSIZE set to 1024?
Regards Hamed Nik
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