Freddy and Hernan
I have also had good results with netmeeting, and the whiteboard works great.
Since the latest version of netmeeting is freely downloadable, I don't
understand why anyone would want to patch an older version.
Using netmeeting with gnugk to tunnel through firewalls also works fine,
but it fails if netmeeting and gnugk are running on the same PC.
Gnugk and netmeeting must run on separate PCs to make tunneling work.
This limitation requires each person on each end of the conversation
to have access to 2 computers inside his firewall, which is difficult
for many users.
No one on this message board has addressed the question
of why netmeeting/gnugk tunneling works fine when split across
two computers, but fails mysteriously when netmeeting/gnugk are running
on the same machine. Is it a bug in netmeeting? Or is it a bug in gnugk
which could be fixed with simple modification to the gnugk code to make it
cope with netmeeting's minor foolishness?
Perhaps the developers can comment upon whether this issue
has been examined. Dismissing this complex problem with the statement
that "netmeeting is bad" is not really an in-depth analysis.
Just last week, Hernan Arteta was complaining about exactly the same problem when running netmeeting and gnugk on the same XP box. His description of the strange call completion failure behavior was identical to my experience. Yesterday, Hernan continued to request a solution to this "nated endpoint" problem. So this is an undocumented problem that is affecting quite a few users.
Freddy Parra wrote: I've used netmeeting before and I've had it registered to Gnugk. I never noticed any major problems when communicating to another netmeeting client that is also registered to Gnugk. I think the problem is that you have to install some patch with some old versions of netmeeting for it to work properly with Gnugk.
Hernan Arteta wrote: (Michael has clarified Hernan's English) Has someone successfully configured the next scenario? windows xp, with gnugk (GK1) and netmeeting running on same pc this pc behind a nat box gnugk(GK2) in public ip GK1 child of GK2 Netmeeting can receive and make calls from anywhere by using gnugk to tunnel through firewall and NAT.
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