Re: minimum set of ports for proxy use

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Hi Michal,

thx for quick answer but allow two more questions.

why the gnugk is using port 502(1)!!! + (some ports in the range)  if i specify only a range from 5000-502(0)!!! 
could there be a failure in the allocation logic? imho the last port should be 5020 not 5021 ?

how log it takes that gnugk allocate the used ports again ?

for point 3 i will try to setup a dmz to figure out if it depends on the router.
(fyi tunneling and fast start are on )

which port ranges would you recommend for at least 5 clients at the proxy?
(for security reasons i am looking for a minimum, because on some routers you have to open the ports explicitly)

thx in advance

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Zygmuntowicz Michal" <m.zygmuntowicz@xxxxxxx>
To: <openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 7:36 PM
Subject: Re:  minimum set of ports for proxy use

> 1. RTP protocol always uses two port - one even and one odd, so the ports 
> are always
>     allocated in pairs, like 5000-5001, 5002-5003.
> 2. Similar to 1. - proxying a signaling channel requires at least two 
> sockets, plus two another,
>     if tunneling is disabled.
> 3. Make sure H.245 tunneling is turned on and, for NAT travesal, it often 
> depends on who
>     is sending media first. A backpath for UDP packets is opened only after 
> a NATed endpoint
>     sends the first UDP packet.
> PS: I would not recommend using so narrow port ranges. Sockets are sometimes 
> deleted with some
> delay after a connection is closed, so you may run out of socket with full 
> proxy utilization.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Raschel" <raschel@xxxxxx>
> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 6:04 PM
> i try at the moment to figure out what is the minimum port requiremnet for 
> proxy use and some other stuff.
> i use the 2.2.1-2 executable for linux with two network cards.
> the proxy is on private ip behind a nat router and the second interface is 
> connected to another private ip. the proxy act as a child gk with a parent 
> gk at public IP.
> now i have setup the RTP port range at the proxy section from 5000 - 5020.
> the strange thing is that the proxy use for every seperate connection 
> another 4 ports (audio + video) e.g. 5000- 5003 next 5004 - 5007 and if i 
> place some calls at the end it use 5021 + some ports e.g. 5006-5008.
> 1.)
> why does the gnugk use 5021 if i specify the range only from 5000 - 5020 ?
> 2.)
> why the gnugk increment for each call the next 4 ports ?
> the same i saw for Q931 port range usage.
> 3.)
> if i place a call from outside (phone which is connected to the parent gk to 
> phone which is at the child gk) the connection (audio + video) is 
> established at once on both side.
> but if i place a call from the phone behind the child gk to a phone which is 
> connect outside at the parent gk, the outside phone establish the connection 
> at once and the inside phone take up to 2-3 seconds to establish audio and 
> video.
> 4.)
> the child gk still crash if i have a nat router reconnection (with new 
> public IP) if it tries to reregister with the parent gk.
> the parent gk sends a RRQ reject with request for full registration and than 
> the proxy die.
> please help and give some hints
> thx
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