GnuGk allocates ports by iterating through the whole range. I'd add a few sockets to
the range to avoid problems with socket reusability.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Raschel" <raschel@xxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 7:45 AM
why the gnugk is using port 502(1)!!! + (some ports in the range) if i specify only a range from 5000-502(0)!!!
could there be a failure in the allocation logic? imho the last port should be 5020 not 5021 ?
how log it takes that gnugk allocate the used ports again ?
for point 3 i will try to setup a dmz to figure out if it depends on the router.
(fyi tunneling and fast start are on )
which port ranges would you recommend for at least 5 clients at the proxy?
(for security reasons i am looking for a minimum, because on some routers you have to open the ports explicitly)
thx in advance TOM
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