Heh, problem is solved: I use gnugk 2.2.0 now (according to combination
found at: http://gnugk.org/compiling-gnugk.html) and everything is ok ;)
Zygmuntowicz Michal napisaÅ(a):
Best if you could send some more detailed information,
like a log fragment. VIP-101 should work well with GnuGk
(I tested it personally with 2.2.0).
----- Original Message ----- From: "brothaluca" <brothaluca@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2004 4:36 AM
I have following configuration:
PWLib Pandora(v1.7.5)as shared library
OpenH323 Pandora (v1.14.4)
GNUGK v. 2.0.9
I have problems with some endpoints:
- when I am using openphone v. 1.8.1 calls are ending with duration
of 7s (always same duration)
- when I am using Planet VIP-101 (ipphone) calls are ending with
duration of 15s (always same duration too).
In the log I can see, that GK received DRQ or got problems with
assertion ( cant connect without setting port....). Its testing
environment (2 or 3 terminals, 1 permanent endpoint I am sending
calls to). I tried with other versions of PWLib and OPENH323 and with
GNUGK 2.2.0 (there were problems with assertion, no problems with DRQ
in my tests). I read in interoperability section that PLANET VIP-101
is working well with GNUGK.
Have you got any ideas, what might be wrong?
PS: Sorry for my English...
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