Re: Tenor A800 And GnuGK

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That is a GnuGK list though.

On Sunday 02 January 2005 23:40, User User wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I have A quintum Tenor A800 and I orignating.I have a problem Which I would
> be so pleased if you kindly help me.
> Many times After About 30 to 60 Second the call disconnected and the
> goodbye IVR load.
> Thanks.
> #########Gnu Config########
> ##
> ## A very simple configuration file.
> ## Everyone is allowed to connect to the status port.
> ##
> [Gatekeeper::Main]
> Fourtytwo=42
> name=brnit-gatekeeper
> SignalReadTimeout=10000
> TotalBandwidth=-1
> RemoveCallOnDRQ=0
> RedirectGK=faccnet Calls>8
> [GkStatus::Auth]
> rule=explicit
> [RoutedMode]
> GKRouted=1
> H245Routed=1
> AcceptNeighborsCalls=0
> AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1
> TimeToLive=3000
> ForwardOnFacility=0
> CallSignalPort=1720
> RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=1
> SupportNATedEndpoints=1
> [Proxy]
> Enable=1
> [CallTable]
> GenerateNBCDR=1
> GenerateUCCDR=1
> DefaultCallTimeout=7200
> [Gatekeeper::Auth]
> AliasAuth=required;RRQ
> default=allow
> [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints]
> [RasSrv::RRQAuth]
> gw1=sigip:
> gw2=sigip:
> dest=sigip:
> root=sigip:
> default=reject
> [RasSrv::LRQFeatures]
> CiscoGKCompatible=1
> [RasSrv::ARQFeatures]
> ArjReasonRouteCallToGatekeeper=1
> #######Quintum Config#######
> Welcome to Tenor Multipath Switch Telnet Server
> Serial #: A002-0029DF | Name: brnit-tenor | Type: A800 | UTC: Unknown
> Connected from IpAddr/Port# to Port# 23
> config# print
> print
> Unit
> ----
>                         Unit: 1
> IP Address =
> External IP Address =
> Name = brnit-tenor
> Online = 1
> Relay ResetTime = 240
> Relay Reset Number = 2
> TcpKeepAlive = Disabled(0)
> System
> ------
> Country Value = 98
> Country Code =
> Area Code =
> Minimum DN = 7
> Maximum DN = 20
> International Prefix:
>          1: 00
> Long Distance Prefix = 0
> Carrier Selection Prefix:
> Intercom Used = no(0)
> Private DN Used = yes(1)
> Private DN Length = 5
> Interdigit Timeout = 4 sec.
> Contact =
> Location =
> IP Address : of Snmp Trap Server 1 =
> IP Address : of Snmp Trap Server 2 =
> IP Address : of Snmp Trap Server 3 =
> IP Address : Port # of Syslog Server 1 = : 514
> IP Address : Port # of Syslog Server 2 = : 514
> IP Address : Port # of Syslog Server 3 = : 514
> Syslog Facility = 16
> IP Address : Port # of Cdr Server 1 = : 0
> IP Address : Port # of Cdr Server 2 = : 0
> Cdr Password:
> Cdr Format: 0
> Ring Frequency = 20 Hz(0)
> PSTN Ring Sensitivity = Normal(0)
> Primary Time Server:    IP Address =
> Secondary Time Server:  IP Address =
> UTC Offset:             Unknown
> Disc Tone Frequency: 420 Hz (min) : 600 Hz (max)
> Disconnect On/Off Time: 250 mSec(on) : 250 mSec(off)
> Call Indication Tone = None(0)
> Disable GUI = no(0)
> Dialplan
> --------
> User Programmable DP = No
> Dialplan table:
>         index:Pattern    DpType         min     max     nprefix
> System LAN
> ----------
> Subnet Mask =
> Default Gateway =
> PSTN Trunk Group
> ----------------
>                         PSTN Trunk Group: 1
> Name = PstnPassThrough1
> Pass Through = no(0)
> PT Trunk ID = 0
> Provide Call Progress Tone = no(0)
> Busyout = no(0)
> Hunt Algorithm = ascending(0)
> Modem Calls = No(0)
> Direction = incoming(0)
> DN Used = public
> End Of Dial = yes(1)
> End Of Dial Digit = #
> Add End of Dial Digit = no(0)
> Ivr Type = Prepaid calling card
> Ivr Card Digit Length  = 12
> Disabled Voice Prompt 0
> Ivr Preauthentication = 0
> Ivr Language = 1
> MultiSession code: = None
> IVR Access Number  = None
> Ivr Allow DID = no(0)
> Ivr Answer Delay  = 0
> Retry Counter  = 1
> CID = From Interface(0)
> External Routing Request = no(0)
> Auto Switch Enable = no(0)
> Forced IP Routing # = none
> Trunk ID(Account Code) = none
> Trunk ID Delivery =  none
> 2 Stage Dial = No
> Translate Inbound Caller ID = no(0)
> Relay Caller ID = yes(1)
> IP Extension = no(0)
> Maximum LAM Calls Allowed = 8
> LAM: Index Pattern Replacement NumberType
>         Cas Signaling Type = loop start fwd disconnect(6)
>         Cas Orientation = user(0)
>         Dial Tone Detect = yes(1)
>         Dial Delay Timeout = 1000
>         Answer Delay Timeout = 60
>         Flash-Hook Signaling = no(0)
>         Supervision = answer and disconnect(3)
>         Caller Id Detection = no(0)
>         dtmf-ontime = 100
>         dtmf-offtime = 100
> Channel:
>         unit# 1 line# 2: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
> PBX Trunk Group
> ---------------
>                         PBX Trunk Group: 1
> Name = test
> Pass Through = yes(1)
> PT Trunk ID = 0
> Provide Call Progress Tone = yes(1)
> Multipath = yes(1)
> Hunt Algorithm = ascending(0)
> Modem Calls = No(0)
> Direction = both(2)
> DN Used = public
> End Of Dial = yes(1)
> End Of Dial Digit = #
> Add End of Dial Digit = no(0)
> Ivr Type = None
> Partial TG = no(0)
> CID = Trunk ID(1)
> External Routing Request = no(0)
> Auto Switch Enable = no(0)
> Forced IP Routing # = none
> Trunk ID(Account Code) = none
> Trunk ID Delivery =  none
> 2 Stage Dial = No
> Translate Inbound Caller ID = no(0)
> Relay Caller ID = yes(1)
> IP Extension = no(0)
> Public Number of Digits = 7
> Private Number of Digits = 4
> Public Hunt Ldn's:
> Private Hunt Ldn's:
> BDN: Index Bdn
>         Cas Signaling Type = loop start fwd disconnect(6)
>         Cas Orientation = net(2)
>         Flash-Hook Signaling = yes(1)
>                 Flash-Hook Min = 200
>                 Flash-Hook Max = 700
>         Supervision = none(0)
>         Caller Id Generation = no(0)
>         dtmf-ontime = 100
>         dtmf-offtime = 100
> Channel:
>         unit# 1 line# 1: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
> IP     Trunk Group
> ---------------
> Incoming IP call delete digits = 0
> Incoming IP call prefix =
> Outgoing IP call delete digits = 0
> Outgoing IP call prefix =
> Prefix Trunk ID = no(0)
> Default Trunk = No
> External Routing Request = no(0)
> Display Information ID = Tenor-Gateway
> Line
> ----
>                         Line: 1
> Law = uLaw(0)
> Rx Gain = -4dB
> Tx Gain = -2dB
>                         Line: 2
> Law = uLaw(0)
> Rx Gain = 0dB
> Tx Gain = 0dB
> Guard Time = 0mS
> DAA Start Up = Enabled
> Bandwidth Management
> --------------------
> Time of Day Maximum Bandwidth:
> Day  = 0(Sunday)
> Hour = 00       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 06       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 12       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 18       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Day  = 1(Monday)
> Hour = 00       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 06       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 12       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 18       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Day  = 2(Tuesday)
> Hour = 00       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 06       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 12       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 18       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Day  = 3(Wednesday)
> Hour = 00       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 06       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 12       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 18       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Day  = 4(Thursday)
> Hour = 00       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 06       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 12       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 18       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Day  = 5(Friday)
> Hour = 00       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 06       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 12       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 18       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Day  = 6(Saturday)
> Hour = 00       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 06       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 12       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Hour = 18       *        *        *        *        *        *
> Gatekeeper Administration
> -------------------------
> Endpoint Authorization Type = 0 (None)
> Allowed Endpoints
>         IP                      Mask
> No Allowed Endpoints Configured
> Barred Endpoints
>         IP                      Mask
> No Barred Endpoints Configured
> Gatekeeper System
> -----------------
> Zone Name =
> Border Element IP Address(prim) =
> Border Element IP Address(sec) =
> Discovery IP Address =
> Gatekeeper Password =
> LRQ returns all candidates(0)
> Maximum LRQ Hops = 0
> WAN Call Limit = 0 (disabled)
> LCF/LRJ V3plus = 1
> Gatekeeper Option Flags:
>         Use IP Header Address = no(0)
>         Ridgeway ARQ = no(0)
> Border Element
> -----------------
> Static Routing
> No Static Routes configured
> ---
> Voice Coding algorithm = 81
> Voice Information Field size = 192 bits
> Silence Suppression = Enable(1)
> Minimum Jitter buffer = 120 msec
> Maximum Jitter buffer = 300 msec
> Receive Gain (PCM -> IP) = -2 dB
> Transmit Gain (IP -> PCM) = -4 dB
> Digit Relay = 0
> Fax Relay Type = 0
> Fax Maximum Rate = 144
> Fax Playout FIFO nominal delay = 600
> Fax Modem Coding = 0
> Fax Modem Voice Information Field size = 0 bits
> Idle Time = 0
> Answer Supervision Options = 0
> Disconnect Supervision Option = 0
> Answer Supervision Delay = 0 (disabled)
> AutoSwitch
> ----------
> Auto Threshold = 50
> H323 Gateway
> -----------------
> Primary GK Address =
> Primary Auto Discovery = 0
> Secondary GK Address =
> Secondary Auto Discovery = 0
> H.323 ID = gw2
> Register DN = Register as GW Prefixes(1)
> Ignore Bandwidth in ACF = yes(1)
> Default H245 Tunneling = yes(1)
> Round Trip Delay = 0
> One Stage Dialing = 0
> RRQ Interval = 300
> H323 Interop Flags:
>         H225 GW Protocol = h323(0)
>         Do BRQ = 1
>         SlaveSessionId0 = 0
>         AllowFastStartOnly = No(0)
>         RRQv3plus= No(0)
>         ProgressInd Alert= No(0)
>         StartH245Flag= Yes(1)
>         Automatic Ext IP Update= No(0)
>         RTP Verification= No(0)
> Do Lightweight RRQ = yes(1)
> Radius User
> -----------
> host p
> authenticationport p 1812
> accountingport p 1813
> host s
> authenticationport s 1812
> accountingport s 1813
> retry = 6
> timeout = 10
> accountingtype = 2
> billingvendor 0
> sharedsecret ******
> ------
> Primary File Server:    IP Address =
> Secondary File Server:  IP Address =
> timeout:        5
> Enabled Languages:      1
> CID Translation Table
> ------
> Caller ID Translation Table
> Index Pattern        Replacement
> Radius Endpoint
> ---------------
> host p
> authenticationport p 1812
> accountingport p 1813
> host s
> authenticationport s 1812
> accountingport s 1813
> retry = 3
> timeout = 5
> idtype = 0
> passwordtype = 0
> sharedsecret
> Product Name: Tenor Analog A800 Multipath Switch - 8 ports (Rev. B)
> Gatekeeper Status: Mini
> GK Calls Allowed: 8
> Feature Bit Status: -PS/+RB/-ER
> Languages allowed: 1
> Serial Number: A002-0029DF
> Ethernet Address: 00-30-E1-00-29-DF
> IP Address:
> Subnet Mask:
> Default Gateway:
> System Software Version: P4-2-20-40(LEC) (1733826/0xD5B6)
> Boot Software Version: P4-1-3 (180592/0xE814)
> Database Version: 2.08 09-13-2000 (277900)
> config#
> __________________________________________________
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List: Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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