Fedora + Gnugk 2.2.0

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Hi all,

I've just downloaded and installed Fedora2, and wish to install Gnugk2.2.0 
with it.

I've compile pwlib(Pandora) + openh323(Pandora) version, then tried to compile 
gnugk2.2.0 with radius disabled and mysql enabled.  In during the compilation, 
it displayed the following error....  Can someone explain to me on how to 
solve the H225 problems as indicated?!??   Thanks in advance!

g++ -o obj_linux_x86_r/gnugk  -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib/mysql    -s -
L/root/pwlib/lib -
L/root/openh323/lib   ./obj_linux_x86_r/main.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/singleton.o  
./obj_linux_x86_r/job.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/yasocket.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/h323ut
il.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/Toolkit.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/SoftPBX.o  ./obj_linux_x86
_r/GkStatus.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/RasTbl.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/Routing.o  ./obj_l
inux_x86_r/Neighbor.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/GkClient.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/gkauth.o
  ./obj_linux_x86_r/RasSrv.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/ProxyChannel.o  ./obj_linux_x86
_r/gk.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/version.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/gkacct.o  ./obj_linux_x
86_r/gksql.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/sqlauth.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/gktimer.o  ./obj_l
inux_x86_r/sqlacct.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/gksql_mysql.o  ./obj_linux_x86_r/gksql_
pgsql.o -lh323_linux_x86_r -lpt_linux_x86_r -lpq -lcrypt  -lmysqlclient  -lz  -
lldap -lldap_r -llber  -lpthread -lsasl2 -lssl -lcrypto -lexpat -lasound -
lresolv -ldl
./obj_linux_x86_r/RasTbl.o(.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN16H225_CarrierInfoD1Ev+0x12): In 
function `H225_CarrierInfo::~H225_CarrierInfo [in-charge]()':
: undefined reference to `vtable for H225_CarrierInfo'
./obj_linux_x86_r/ProxyChannel.o(.text+0x1173f): In function 
`CallSignalSocket::BuildFacilityPDU(Q931&, int, PObject const*)':
: undefined reference to `typeinfo for H225_TransportAddress'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [obj_linux_x86_r/gnugk] Error 1

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