RE: RE: RE: accounting problem

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What can I do ??
I have not access to termination gateway ???
but our call successfully relayed to termination gateway and we have no
problem for call .... only accounting problem.
can I solve that without this connect message ????

Your config looks fine. A call is considered not connected (duration of
0) when there is no Connect message received from a terminating gateway.
Maybe your terminating gateway does not send a Connect message (it is
then broken, I guess).

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ali Soltanifar" <ali.soltanifar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 8:45 AM

> Here is my configuration file
> [Gatekeeper::Main]
> Fourtytwo=42
> Name=OpenH323GK
> #Home=
> #NetworkInterfaces=
> #TimeToLive=600
> #TotalBandwidth=100000
> StatusPort=23
> #UseBroadcastListener=0 
> #AlternateGKs=
> #Sendto=
> #EndpointIDSuffix=_gk1
> #SkipForwards=
> #RedirectGK=Calls > 50
> #UnicastRasPort=1719
> #MulticastPort=1718
> #MulticastGroup=
> #EndpointSignalPort=9999
> #EndpointSignalPort=1720
> #ListenQueueLength=1024
> # [ms], default 1000
> #SignalReadTimeout=3000
> # [ms], default 3000
> #StatusReadTimeout=5000
> #StatusWriteTimeout=5000
> [RoutedMode]
> GKRouted=1
> H245Routed=0
> CallSignalPort=1721
> CallSignalHandlerNumber=1
> RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=0
> AcceptNeighborsCalls=1
> AcceptUnregisteredCalls=0
> SupportNATedEndpoints=1
> DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1
> #RemoveCallOnDRQ=1
> #SendReleaseCompleteOnDRQ=0
> #ScreenDisplayIE=
> #ScreenCallingPartyNumberIE=
> #ScreenSourceAddress=
> #ForwardOnFacility=1
> #ShowForwarderNumber=1
> #Q931PortRange=20000-20999
> #H245PortRange=30000-30999
> #ConnectTimeout=180000
> [Proxy]
> #Enable=1
> #InternalNetwork=,
> #T120PortRange=40000-40999
> #RTPPortRange=50000-59999
> #ProxyForNAT=1
> #ProxyForSameNAT=0
> #[Endpoint]
> #Gatekeeper=auto
> #Gatekeeper=
> #Type=Gateway
> #H323ID=CitronProxy
> #E164=18888600000
> #Password=
> #Prefix=18888600,1888890003
> #TimeToLive=900
> #RRQRetryInterval=10
> #ARQTimeout=2
> #UnregisterOnReload=0
> #NATRetryInterval=60
> #NATKeepaliveInterval=86400
> #[Endpoint::RewriteE164]
> #188889000=9
> [RasSrv::GWPrefixes]
> ## Test-Gateways
> #
> #rossi-gt2=80,90
> #rossi-gt2=0
> #
> #rossi-gt3=80,90
> #rossi-gt3=05241,0521,5241,521
> #
> #ip400-v1=12
> #ip400-wi1=0
> [RasSrv::RRQFeatures]
> #OverwriteEPOnSameAddress=1
> #AcceptEndpointIdentifier=1
> #AcceptGatewayPrefixes=1
> [RasSrv::ARQFeatures]
> ArjReasonRouteCallToSCN=0
> ArjReasonRouteCallToGatekeeper=1
> CallUnregisteredEndpoints=1
> RemoveTrailingChar=#
> ParseEmailAliases=1
> [RasSrv::RRQAuth]
> #rossi-gt1=sigaddr:.*ipAddress .* ip = .* c3 47 e2 a2 .*port = 1720.* 
> #rossi-gt2=sigaddr:.*ipAddress .* ip = .* c3 47 e2 a5 .*port = 1720.* 
> #rossi-gt3=sigip:
> tenor-1=sigip:
> default=allow
> [GkStatus::Auth]
> rule=allow
> #rule=deny
> #rule=explicit
> #rule=regex
> # - 195.71.129.*
> # - 195.71.100.*
> # - 62.52.26.[1-2][0-9][0-9] 
> #regex=^(195\.71\.(129|100)\.[0-9]+)|(62\.52\.26\.[1-2][0-9][0-9])$
> #rule=password
> #KeyFilled=123
> # only used when "rule=explicit"
> #default=forbid
> #Shutdown=disable
> [RasSrv::RewriteE164]
> ## Only if an e164 number begins with #Fastmatch# the
> ## the further rewriting is done. Only one #Fastmatch# can be given. 
> #Fastmatch= #0190703100=052418088663
> #01903142=0521178260
> #5241908601903142=521178260
> [RasSrv::Neighbors]
> #GK1=;*;gk1
> #GK2=;02,03
> [RasSrv::LRQFeatures]
> #NeighborTimeout=2
> #ForwardHopCount=2
> #AlwaysForwardLRQ=0
> #AcceptForwardedLRQ=1
> #IncludeDestinationInfoInLCF=1
> #CiscoGKCompatible=1
> [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints]
> # For gateway
> #;009,008
> # For terminal
> #
> #;*
> [Gatekeeper::Auth]
> #SimplePasswordAuth=optional
> #LDAPPasswordAuth=optional
> AliasAuth=sufficient;RRQ,ARQ
> #LDAPAliasAuth=sufficient;RRQ
> #RadAuth=required;RRQ,ARQ
> #RadAliasAuth=required;Setup
> #default=reject
> #default=allow
> [Gatekeeper::DestAnalysis] #OverlapSendDestAnalysis=required;ARQ
> #default=reject
> #default=allow
> #[Password]
> #KeyFilled=123
> #CheckID=FALSE
> #PasswordTimeout=0
> #(id=cwhuang, password=123456)
> #cwhuang=UGwUtpy837k=
> [MySQLAuth]
> #Host=localhost
> #Database=billing
> #User=cwhuang
> #Password=123456
> #Table=customer
> #IDField=IPN
> #PasswordField=Password
> #ExtraCriterion=Kind < 2
> #CacheTimeout=0
> [MySQLAliasAuth]
> #Host=localhost
> #Database=billing
> #User=cwhuang
> #Password=123456
> #Table=customer
> #IDField=IPN
> #IPField=IPAddr
> #ExtraCriterion=Kind < 2
> #CacheTimeout=0
> [SQLPasswordAuth]
> #Driver=MySQL
> #Host=localhost
> #Database=billing
> #Username=gnugk
> #Password=secret
> #CacheTimeout=0
> #Query=SELECT password FROM users WHERE alias = '%1'
> [SQLAliasAuth]
> #Driver=PostgreSQL
> #Host=localhost
> #Database=billing
> #Username=gnugk
> #Password=secret
> #CacheTimeout=0
> #Query=SELECT authcond FROM users WHERE alias = '%1'
> [CallTable]
> GenerateNBCDR=0
> GenerateUCCDR=0
> DefaultCallDurationLimit=21600
> AcctUpdateInterval=10
> [GkLDAP::LDAPAttributeNames]
> #H323ID=mail
> #IPAddress=voIPIpAddress
> #TelephonNo=telephoneNumber
> #H235PassWord=plaintextPassword
> # Settings for LDAP access
> [GkLDAP::Settings]
> #ServerName=ldap
> #ServerPort=389
> #SearchBaseDN=o=University of Michigan, c=US #BindUserDN=cn=Babs 
> Jensen,o=University of Michigan, c=US #BindUserPW=ReallySecretPassword
> #sizelimit=0
> #timelimit=0
> [Gatekeeper::Acct]
> RadAcct=required;start,update,stop,on,off
> #FileAcct=required;stop
> #default=reject;start,stop
> SQLAcct=required;start,stop
> [RadAcct]
> Servers=
> DefaultAcctPort=3201
> SharedSecret=123
> AppendCiscoAttributes=1
> IncludeEndpointIP=1
> [SQLAcct]
> Driver=MySQL
> Host=localhost
> Database=gnugk
> Username=root
> Password=rasadb
> MinPoolSize=5
> StartQuery=INSERT INTO tblCustomerBilling
> (`gatekeeper_name`,`call_number`,`Q.931_disconnect_cause`,`Acct-Sessio
> n-
> est-info`,`Calling-Station-Id`,`Called-Station-Id`) VALUES
> -Id}','%{Called-Station-Id}')
> StopQuery=UPDATE tblCustomerBilling set
> `call_duration`=((((hour('%{disconnect-time}') -
> hour(`setup-time`)))*3600) + (((minute('%{disconnect-time}') -
> minute(`setup-time`)))*60) + (second('%{disconnect-time}') -
> second(`setup-time`))), `Q.931_disconnect_cause`='%c',
> `disconnect-time`='%{disconnect-time}' where `gatekeeper_name`='%g'
> `Acct-Session-Id`='%s' << "I have to use this when call start time not
> received and %d equal to zero ..."
> # Various global settings for accounting modules
> [Accounting]
> #AlwaysUseCLID=1
> [NATedEndpoints]
> ;704=
> ;705=allow
> [CTI::Agents]
> VirtualQueueAliases=CC
> ;VirtualQueuePrefixes=001,0044,0049
> ;VirtualQueueRegex=^(001|04)[0-9]*$
> RequestTimeout=10
> [SQLConfig]
> #Driver=PostgreSQL
> #Host=localhost
> #Database=billing
> #Username=gnugk
> #Password=secret
> #RewriteE164Query=SELECT ...
> #PermanentEndpointsQuery=SELECT ...
> #NeighborsQuery=SELECT ...
> #GWPrefixesQuery=SELECT ...
> >From the log it looks like the calls were not connected at all.
> What is your configuration?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ali Soltanifar" <ali.soltanifar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 2:36 PM
> > I have problem with call duration in GNUGK ver 2.0.8
> > When accounting stop packet was received Acct-Session-Time equal to
> zero
> > W but calls established successfully and stop with no problem.. When

> > I used a mysql accounting this problem was repeated.
> >
> >  Sun Sep 05 13:01:05 2004
> >       Acct-Status-Type = Start
> >       NAS-IP-Address =
> >       NAS-Identifier = "OpenH323GK"
> >       NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
> >       Service-Type = Login
> >       Acct-Session-Id = "413ab7860000000f"
> >       User-Name = "01:1"
> >       Framed-IP-Address =
> >       Calling-Station-Id = "01:15:39.3"
> >       Called-Station-Id = "3232105"
> >       h323-gw-id = "h323-gw-id=OpenH323GK"
> >       h323-conf-id = "h323-conf-id=34313330 36616236 33300031 DF"
> >       h323-call-origin = "h323-call-origin=proxy"
> >       h323-call-type = "h323-call-type=VoIP"
> >       h323-setup-time = "h323-setup-time=13:01:23.000 IRST Sun Sep 
> > 05 2004"
> >       h323-remote-address = "h323-remote-address="
> >       Acct-Delay-Time = 0
> >
> > Sun Sep 05 13:02:07 2004
> >       Acct-Status-Type = Stop
> >       NAS-IP-Address =
> >       NAS-Identifier = "OpenH323GK"
> >       NAS-Port-Type = Virtual
> >       Service-Type = Login
> >       Acct-Session-Id = "413ab7860000000f"
> >       User-Name = "01:1"
> >       Framed-IP-Address =
> >       Acct-Session-Time = 0
> >       Calling-Station-Id = "01:15:39.3"
> >       Called-Station-Id = "3232105"
> >       h323-gw-id = "h323-gw-id=OpenH323GK"
> >       h323-conf-id = "h323-conf-id=34313330 36616236 33300031 DF"
> >       h323-call-origin = "h323-call-origin=proxy"
> >       h323-call-type = "h323-call-type=VoIP"
> >       h323-setup-time = "h323-setup-time=13:01:23.000 IRST Sun Sep 
> > 05 2004"
> >       h323-disconnect-time = "h323-disconnect-time=13:02:24.000 IRST
> Sun
> > Sep 05 2004"
> >       h323-disconnect-cause = "h323-disconnect-cause=10"
> >       h323-remote-address = "h323-remote-address="
> >       Acct-Delay-Time = 0

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