I tried many thing, its even not
working in both versions...:(
Michal please see this.
even when i set both variables in 2.2
, but it still says me that joining multicast group.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 03:36
Subject: Re:
I think main culprit is this
PString home = GkConfig()->GetString("Home", "");
if (!home)
GKHome = home;
where GKHome is PIPSocket::Address....
so this statement
if (GKHome == INADDR_ANY) {
will always be true.....will show wrong default IP
Am I right?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 12:01
Subject: RE:
ooops! should be UseBroadcastListener=0
According to the documentation, the gatekeeper
detects all interfaces by default, but won't bind to all of them if you
specify a specific IP address in Home.
I just checked my trace log and I see my Home IP
that I specify is the one that is bounded, not sure why yours would
be different from your home.
I have several network
interfaces on PC, but i dont wanna listen on all so i just defined one
IP in Home in GK ini file.
but still i am seeing that in
log file it shows all IP in network interfaces and in default IP it
shows some other IP other than home IP.
vresion is latest 2.0.9 from