Is there a way to use [RoutingPolicy] Default=internal,neighborbut send an LRQ to the matched internal endpoint before sending the call? It doesnt seem to send LRQs unless actually asking neighbors. So i want to route based on the internal prefix, then send that endpoint an LRQ, (then assuming i get an LCF) send the call to him. I am sending to a Clarent Class 5 Call Manager, and this seems to be the requirement based on its current config. David Winter Senior Network Engineer Planet-Telecom, Inc. Tampa FL (813)901-5182 Office (813)864-3162 Direct (813)817-4204 Mobile (813)881-9762 Fax ------------------------------------------ AIM: mobofool ICQ: 3563403 MSN: dwinter@xxxxxx Y!: vt_fool Andreas Sikkema wrote: openh323gk-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:For some reason the incoming full RRQ message is in that case never removed from the incoming message queue.Maybe this is also why I see memory usage of GNUgk growing over time. Or there's a big memory leak somewhere ;-) |